Dr. Ayo Maria created the term Melanics for people of African descent to identify with. We can not let anyone outside of our culture define who we are and we must persevere our heritage and legacy.

Right now we are being tested. Rent is still due despite the stay-at -home orders and quarantines on top of that unemployment is at an all time high. It seems like everytime I turn the news on I see black men who look like me, my mentors, my father, getting killed by the police and as a Melanic’ male have to raise my son in all this chaos, it can be very tough and overwhelming and can cause a lot of trauma to our families.

J. Cole said it best however, its beauty in the mf’n struggle.

Today was #BlackoutTuesday, and I seen people from all across the world supporting one cause. To me thats very powerful, no matter if it’s an agenda or not, real people have to come home to their family at the end of the day. I encourage everyone right now to do what they feel is best for their family. But most importantly as we move forward we have to strategize...

I was recently introduced to The Field App and connected with the founder. The Field app is fully owned and operated by our culture and it features a ton of well established black owned businesses. I really think thats dope for multiple reasons. For one facebook started off somewhere, just like myspace , and twitter. Now we have a representative from our culture in the same sector. I have to give a shout to BatteryXChange as well, we thrive in Blacktech.

We adapt to what we are exposed to. For example if Popeyes hit the hood like it did in my parts, the line going through the roof. And an app service like this is essentially doing the same thing. This app is like Netflix, Yelp, and Legal Zoom, all in one.

Let’s bang our enemy windows out by bangin our dollar with the Black Market. There are so many needed services and business on this app, also exclusive interviews from our spiritual leaders such as Dr. John Henry Clarke, Tupac, I believe I seen footage from Marcus Garvey on there as well. And to top it off you can market your business or service up there too. #ME2

I highly recommend everyone to download The Field App. This is how you circle the dollar in our business community. But to take it to another level, apps like this gives us the opportunity to create our own currency; and to expand on that thought we could pay homage to our fallen soldiers like George Folyd by putting their face on our own crypto coinage. CLICK HERE TO LEARN ABOUT ACOIN. Note to myself Harriet still aint on they’ 20 dollar bill yet. Nonetheless there are endless opportunities “In The Field”—— take advantage and execute!

“Caged in the field that’s grained to we/”Look but don’t touch/This shit ain’t for we”/Despised by the light, Damn we just can’t see/ Run hard nigga’/ This slavery.”

Excerpts from Book of Rhymes 18

I’ll leave with this, the plan for them wasn’t for you to succeed so protest by making it your obligation to prosper by any means, most importantly never forget where you came from, the black struggle of our ancestors made us who we are.

Darrell Q. Slade

Darrell Slade