1975; A non-traditional history book….
“I give you the news with a twist, it’s just his ghetto point of view.”
When the world is moving on 1000, it can be easy for important eras to get lost with time. 1975 highlights the era of Darrell’s Salon of Beauty, 1987-2009, and the hair revolution that occured in Winston-Salem which is a very historical city within itself. The novel also highlights prime events and people who made their stamp on the world during the author’s timeline. The aim for this book is to bring old eras back to life and inspire humanity across the globe, especially single mothers or anyone who has encountered a lost of a loved one.
As a company we made it our mission not only to make sure that this time period was not lost in time but it’s told in an honest way, to where you as the reader can relate, you may simply relate to the title. The black struggle has been universal for a very long time but this book brings light to the success of our people— this is why it’s important that we preserve our legacy because for long it has been stolen from us.
This history book is told in a way to where you will be able to smell the bacon on the stove in Carlos’s moms apartment, and the scent of an OE on granny’s back porch with the O’Jays thumpin through unc’s stereo on a Saturday evening, it’s that type of vibe.
We put a lot of work into this project. We hope you enjoy.
The book is set to release on March 12th 2021 exclusively through No More Suits, LLC.