Winston-Salem State University to shelve novels by alum in O'Kelly Library

When Darrell Q. Slade first released the Alarm Clock in December 2017 he had one mission, to wake people up. Not long before he released his book, he was fired from his corporate job, instead of letting that hold him back he went harder, this time for himself. The biggest message in the Alarm Clock is ownership and equity, you have to own your narrative and be the captain your own ship.

Within the two years that the Alarm Clock has been in rotation, Slade, has established a blueprint for other creators like himself, in 2018 he started No More Suits, a publishing company that gives authors a platform to spread their message to the world. After No More Suits was founded, Darrell followed up with a second novel of poetry entitled Book of Rhymes. When asked about the book he said “Book of Rhymes is not traditional, its a Basquiat for literature, that allows readers to interpret their own message from it, Im not a poet ima reinvested prophet

Book Rhymes exposes Slade unique creative writing style with pages full of word play. The message is a bout a brother looking to find himself in this western world society with all odds against him as he builds his foundation for his future.

When we interviewed our founder about the recent news of getting his books in The Library at his Alma Mater he stated:

“I wasn’t playing then and Im not playing now, only thing Im playing is forever, God sent me here for a mission, my purpose is to give that same energy to things that can last a lifetime, its an honor to have my novels in university’s library, I remember late night studies in that library, now the students will be able to study the message in my literature.”

-Darrell Q. Slade


The Alarm Clock and Book of Rhymes is also available at the Public Libraries in Forsyth County. No More Suits is currently in the process of creating this same experiences for other authors that are affiliated with the company and who are set to release.

The future for the up and coming author his very bright. Be on the look out for his future projects and initiatives.