The characteristics of the Olive Tree- lessons we can learn from nature.

With everything going on with COVID19, it’s essential that we stick close to nature— there is healing in nature and a lot that we can learn from it. When the first humans walked the earth— they didn’t have school systems or vaccines so their only source for knowledge was the plants, animals, and minerals on the Earth.

I recently saw an instagram post eluding to the Earth healing herself during this world pandemic, it mentioned that there is less pollution in the atmosphere, dolphins were swimming closer to the shores, and that you could see the Himalayans from 100 miles away for the for the first time in 30 years.

The media is dropping a lot of negative information about the pandemic; while this many be the worst pandemic in world history, it may be very beneficial to turn the news off and supplement that by listening to thought provoking podcast and reading books that can fuel your passion.

Health is wealth, fight this pandemic by learning about foods that you can eat that will help you generate a strong immune system and herbs that can help to eliminate mucus. It may also be worth a trip to Whole Food too— their prices are a bit higher they are taking the right precautions to make sure their produce is fresh and that their stores are clean.

The purpose of this article was to highlight the significance of The Olive Tree.

Right before the stay at home orders and state of emergencies, I had just returned home from a business trip from Memphis and New York. I wanted to make sure that I had the right foods for my home office ( I currently reside in my office so my office is my home) that could last me if things where to get temporarily shut down due to the madness.

It is also important to have an understanding of psychology right now; Humans bombard grocery stores during time of crisis.

I know from personal experience with hurricane Florence also many snow storms - majority of aisles at grocery stores are empty. I always like to think ahead. 9x/10 most people especially from my parts, will overlook Whole Food as a place to shop, leaving an abundance of produce to choose from. I wish my people had a black owned fresh produce shop, but that’s coming, but for now i have to choose whats out there. One Saturday morning which was March 14th, I was at Whole Food, the trucks had just made a delivery so everything was fresh. When I went there I noticed some fruit trees and I told my nephew, who was with me, that this would be good for my son who was expecting to be born on the 31st of March.

I didn’t buy it that day but I kept it on my conscious and shared it with my lady. After our son’s birth his mother and I decided that we would buy a fruit tree from Whole Food and plant his placenta under it as symbol of his birth. The placenta has a lot of nutrients in it that can help fertilize the growth of plants. Placentas can also be converted into pills after birth to help mothers recover from postpartum and to produce breast milk. Anyway, The first tree I noticed when I got to Whole Food that day was an olive tree, immediately we said that would be perfect for our son, Nasir. When i looked up the symbolic meaning of the olive tree this is what I discovered:

The olive tree is a symbol of longevity, perseverance, peace, healthiness, growth, and lots more and it has the ability to survive in droughts and it can even germinate in soils that may look unfavorable for normal plants.


I thought that was fitting with all that is going on right now, it is also very inspiring since my son had a successful healthy birth; we were bless with the opportunity to have a private water birth away from the hospitals doing the Covid19 pandemic— this is a blessing because I’m hearing that most hospitals aren’t allowing fathers in, which is ridiculous. I highly recommend mothers to consider having a water birth and to get a well experienced doula to assist with labor, my lady and I where very grateful for our doulas.

Listen to nature right now, when you are home with your families connect yourself back to the earth. For we are truly children of the Earth and Earth will always be here long after we are gone just as it was long before we got here.

In spite of the pandemic I am offering my novels The Alarm Clock and Book of Rhymes for 50% off and all products on our webpage will have free shipping.

Peace, love, and prosperity.

Darrell Q. Slade

Founder and CEO of No More Suits Publishing Co.

Darrell Slade