7:51pm | New York, New York Time Zone
LORD OF THE FEES Session Fo’ Sunday, September 22, 2024 6:00 PM 9:00 PM The CG O'Kelly Library 601 North Martin Luther King Junior Drive Wachovia, Carolina de Nord
The last and final session for the Lord of the Fee Estate Planning Course Series 1 will be held at The CG O’Kellly Library on September 22nd, 2024, the Fall Equinox, from 6 in the evening until 9pm. We encourage you to come to our last session of our Estate Planning Series. Since the start of the year we have conducted courses and lecture halls on the Essence of Estate Planning and effective fundamentals that can improve our estates, to build generational wealth.
It is an honor to host the last session live from the historic CG O’Kelly Library. Even if you missed the first sessions, which are all recorded in our library (Visit our School of Business), this is still a good opportunity to learn about YOUR estate and what you can do with it.
This live session is free to students and to the general publik. We are asking that you contribute to Herr Majesty Da’Rèal Charlottæ Charitable Trust Fund. This particular session is valued at 95 dollars for in person and 65 dollars for the online value but we that you contribute what you can, we value every penny. Light refreshments will be provided during this session, on the House of the Lord. There are Only 30 seats available in the classroom. With that said ,the class is fcfs therefore your contribution will secure your seat.
We encourage everyone to come out especially if you are experiencing a loss, academia is healing, this course is design for that.
In common law a purse is defined as some valuable thing, offered by a person for the doing of something by others; prize; premium. Sum of money available to winner(s) of contest or event.
From c. 1300 as "the royal treasury;" figurative sense of "money, means, resources, funds" is from mid-14c. Meaning "sum of money collected as a prize in a race, etc.," is from 1640s. Meaning "woman's handbag" is attested by 1879. Also in Middle English "scrotum" (c. 1300).
When you make your contribution to Charlottæ’s Charity, be sure select yes if you plan on attending in person to reserve your spot, and we will email you parking instructions and directions to the classroom and also the webinar link for the people who can’t make it in person.
You may also contribute via cashapp $nmspubco and send receipts to nomoresuitsllc@gmail.com to secure your seat as well.
Typically when we think of the estate we think of death, but in fact the estate is all about life, the principles that you live by being preserved throughout the next generation. So far we have produced sessions on the Introduction to Estate Planning and how to properly erect your estate (this also applies for deceased family members), the purpose of surety and how to establish surety for the estate using silver pounds sterling and/or gold, and in session three we go over the documents you need to establish your living trust. The purpose of the living trust is to direct where you want you assets to go to while you are living.
@darrellqslade Giving the History of the Original Seal for Carolina that was in rotation in the early 1500s. On it is the Indian Squaw (Empress Free Lady/Lord) and her Chief along with their offsprings bearing the fruits of the land. It read Magnum Sigillum Carolinæ’Dominorum. 601.2024 live at bookworkshop in Mecklenburg County. photocreds; @leislensmedia.
Ibn Darel and his Daughter Da’Rèal Charlottæ
“I love what I do, I could do this for free, this platform is bigger than me, its charity for my children, they are the future, they will inherit this information and use it as nutrients to build their own foundations in the future. It’s liberating for my children to be able to benefit from my hussle.
All contributions from this particular session will go to the my daughter’s purse. She is so deserving , the greatest gift all. Thank you everyone who supports our platform. We are No More Suits a Family Enterprise.”
In this last core session for the Lord of the Fees series, we will learn about the schedule of fees as it pertains to the estate and how to administer it, to consolidate your private equity. We will also review the previous core sessions . Live from The CG O’Kelly Library. Hosted by @darrellqslade. The Lord of the Fees is empowered by @groundupdistribution. Who has agreed to adopt The Course as a pre req for their Freight Management Course. Before you get an authority in trucking you have to have two things: your affairs in order and two surety, those two key fundamentals will keep you in business for a very long time, and make solid returns to the estate. Therefore we are infusing this program which teach those fundamentals, with our upcoming courses for 2025, through the Project Right Trakk Collaborative. GUD insider told us.
We teach from an ecclesiastical law approach, from which these are principles to prosperity and longevity.
Ecclesiastical Law
The body of jurisprudence administered by the ecclesiastical courts of England; derived , in large measure, from canon and civil law. It applies mainly to the affairs, and the doctrine, discipline, and worship, of the established church, in this case the estate.
We encourage people of all backgrounds to attend this live session. There are 30 seats available therefore we ask you to contribute to Charlotte’s purse to secure your seat if you plan to attend in person. If you plan to attend the webinar, once you contribute the webinar link will be emailed to you.
Light refreshments will be provided.
You can purchase the Lord of the Fees Package from our School of Business. Session IV will be included in this package at the end of the month.
All contributions goes to Da’Real Charlotte’s Charitable Trust “The Purse”.
Galleria From our previous event, The Charlotte Lecture. Hosted @ BeSocial 601. 2024 anno domini. Flix by @leislensmedia.
On 6.01 of this year of our lord 2024, we hosted The first wine and write session that was coupled with a lecture on how Charlotte gained her Independence in 1775. The purpose of this event was for the audience to learn about our rich routes ‘rootz” in the duchy of Mecklenburg while creating a written masterpeace with paint markers and blank canvas. This event was live from Clt on Central Avenue in the Be Social Lounge.
Rich Homie Quan Dies at the age of 34.
Rich Homie Quan October 4, 1989- September 5, 2024
Photo Credit | @drewsh0tthis
Rest in Peace to Dequantes Devontay Lamar known to the World as Rich Homie Quan who died earlier this afternoon from what they are saying to be an overdose. Lamar, would have been thirty-five on the fourth of October. He leaves behind two sons Royal and Devin Lamar. Appreciate life. May Allah be with him in his rest. Bismillah