Saint Peter the Founder of The Catholic Church, Leader of the Christian Community, A Negro.
The aristocrat.
Strongbow’s social importance and wealth, as with other aristocrats, were judged both by the number of people who looked on him as their lord, and by the size of his estates or estates. Like other nobles, Strongbow wished for more land than he already possessed. He saw McMurrough’s invitation as an adventurous opportunity to acquire for himself an Irish domain unlimited in size by his English King. p. 183 Who Were the Celts, ‘The Normanizing Ireland”
According to Black’s law Sixth Edition an Aristocracy is a government in which a class of persons, believed to be superior, rules supreme. A form of government which is lodged in a minority consisting of those believed to be best qualified; a privileged class of the people; dignitaries, people of wealth and station.
On Saturday the 24th Day of August 2024, The Mayor of Winston-Salem, Allen Joines declared on that day, to be Taneisha #NEISHASTRONG Gist day of mourning. That day the moon glided through the Ram and our sun occulted Regulus ye dat negus Ermias. In old canon law through the power of the Orishas, people of certain caliber typically radical who spoke out against Rome were what you will call Canonized, such as St. Peters, a negro in Rome who is noted as the founder of the Catholic Church, whereas there are churches, cities, dominions all throughout the Earth named Saint Peter.
In the Power of The Orishas on page 25 Oggun, it writes. ‘Saint Peter is Oggun’s most popular syncretism. Saint Paul, Saint Jon de Baptiste, and Saint James are other saints that identify with Oggun. In Rio he has been identified with Saint George.
Peter was fisherman in the Sea of Galilee, this is where Taneisha proclaimation was proclaimed out to the nations of the Earth. Click here to watch Taneisha’s Celebration of Life.
Peter’s original name was Simon but the Christ changed it to Kepha, which in Aramaic means “Roc”. And if the Roc is in the building… leave a comment below. In The New Open Bible Red letter Study Edition on page 42 is say that Aramaic is the first Christian language of the first century Palestinian Jews. Later on it came to mean Peter of whom Christ Emanuel said I will build my church conferring upon him the keys 2 the Kingdom of Heaven, Gist? The Leader of the Christian Community. Saint Peter is identified by two cross keys.
St. Peter, foremost saint and founder of the Catholic Church, is shown as a jet black negro. pg 106 Nature Knows No Color Line, Joel A. Rogers
That very next day, Sunday Bishop J C Hash of St. Peter’s World Outreach Center, gave a sermon on Knowing God vs Knowing About God. in this Sermon Bishop says that God has the ability to be male and female and that the book of Proverbs refered to God as woman.
On Page 107 in Who Were the Celts, its written that the Ancient Celts were exceptional in their preference for goddesses over gods. Not surprising for a people who had female rulers, invented chivalry, and were far ahead of their time in having equal rights for men and women. While the Romans created a goddess for sewers (Cloacina), the Celts had goddesses for things they reversed, such as the forest, and horses— and even war.
In Closing I think that Taneisha and Ar’lexia legacy shall be canonized in our city, and all who we lost. In honor of Neisha, I think great tradition will be to dedicate time for grief showers, something Neisha told her instagram audience she practiced during her final days.