Carver Alum, Porsche Jones, Consolidating a Bond in the Triad.
19:13 Montreal
In Loving Memory of Ar’lexia Taylor 1997-2024
Balloon Release and Candle Lighting Ceremony for the Tre Fo’ native Ar’lexia Taylor who unexpectedly loss her life this past Friday (August 9th, 2024) in a car crash in Charlotte, North Carolina. The Ceremony was held at Quarry Park on Sunday August 11th, 2024.
In Tribute to Ar’lexia
Gone to soon
You left on a Virgin moon
When the Sun set
She appeared
Last night the sky had tears
For Arlexia
Lexie is Legacy
Pray strength for Tyki
A daughter needs her king
We wonder why mommas gotta go
When they mean the most
Nothing can replace a mother routine
The same day of your crash
A plane crashed, killed 62
And they bombed a school
The routes of this pain universal
The Roots of this pain— By Thomas Paine
I meant Terrence Mayne
This not Spain
Tis de Algonquin hour
Cuz this shit ours
Pray for Salam
Pray for peace
Pray for my sun
Pray for my niece
And when she rise
We Bow to Mari
Long Live Lexie
From the heart
Uncle Quentin
Long Live Lexie, you live through us.
This past Saturday, August 9th, 2024 was historic, for it was the first BondLove Day, established by Carver High School Alum, Porsche Jones. This was Bond ‘s 2nd annual Back to School Event (Originally called Project 100) for the children in the community not only did they receive school supplies but new outfits, and free haircuts, and hairstyles as well. According to Bond, Jones’ athletic progam, over the weekend, 427 book bags where distributed, 250 shoes, plus endless outfits, on top of that, Corey Paul Hair Studio had 78 appointments for the young ladies, and the Winston-Salem Barber School gave out 90 vouchers for the young men.
Photo Credit | Snapbywok
With the More than an Athlete movement and the rise of Women’s sports, I think that Porsche is setting a tremendous example of how to leverage your platform and make a difference in your community, therefore I innerviewed Porsche to get more details about BondLove Day and the origins of Bond Basketball but before we go into our conversation lets preface with a brief background of the Jones’ in the Triad Region, it’s only right.
The History of the Jones’ in the Tre- Fo’
Whenever you study the history of any geographical territory, typically history books always start with the people and the descriptions of the land. John Lawson was the first Englishmen to survey the Carolinas. In his reports he stated that the tribes of the Carolinas was governed by absolute monarchy. The history of the Jones family in the Triad is older than the city itself. On the old maps from the 1760s presented to their Majesty King George the Third, you will find the Jones Creek following through Bethabara. Now in the Book of Jon in the first chapter and the 28th verse, is it not written that Jon was baptizing in the Jordan near Bethabara. The Mill Creek is the second largest creek in Forsyth County.
From 1770 Map of North Carolina by John Collet presented to King George III. Focal Region The Piedmont Triad. See Jones Creek.
Source: Zip Data Maps
Now on modern maps like the one you see above you will see the Jones Creek labeled as the Mill Creek. Furthermore in our last article, we posted another map of Bethabara from 1766 that clearly shows the Mill Creek listed as the Johanna which translates from Giannes to Jones. I’ve surveyed where the Monarcas pours into the Mill Creek because on the Map from 1766 it has Monaka pouring into the Johanna, which is pure evidence that that was the name of the Creek.
Origin of Giannis
From root name John. Derived from the Middle Latin Johannes, which is from the Ecclesiastic Late Latin Joannes, which is from the Greek Iōannes.
So does Jones just mean from the Jon Creek?
Courteous of Historic Bethabara Park
The alignment here is that very creek flows through Carver’s district. As you can see on the map above it flowing from East to West from Old Rural Hall Road to Germanton Road, where on the west side of Germanton becomes North Forsyth’s District.
The development of this township to the Metropolis it is becoming today; initiated from the bond the people had with the tobacco leaves; here you will find the Jones’s the are as common as the cardinals in the city we call the Tre Fo. One of my associates is of the Ocaneechi Tribe in Guildford County, she told me that Jones Family is one the main families in their clan.
The Jones’ is prominent anywhere you go, we some hustlas, that’s why its hard to keep up with us, my mother, Darrel Jones owned Darrell’s Salon of Beauty, which had locations on both Reynolda Road and North Point Blvd during its prime, which in fact, the one off North Point sits near the bend in the Monarcas Creek (You can’t see the bend on the old map because its cut off but its flowing from there into Big Johanna, Hosanna. Also in Tre 4 History, there’s Jones Grocery Store which is still standing today, Jones Grocery store was established in the year 1875, in was then called Litttle Yadkin Township, by Josephus Jones the father of William A. Jones who established Jones Drug Store, downtown in 1904, since its no longer in existence for my people who is from the heart of the city imagine it being the CVS on Trade and Fourth, which actually just went out of business.
Of Course there’s, Jonestown Road (what you know), Jones Construction Company started by William H. Jones a negro from Rockingham County, his company built a lot of the infrastructure in the city including a bunch of the buildings at Winston-Salem State University, that were built after the school rolled over to the state in 1899, prior to that the students built the university. In additon to those facts in Tre4 you had Jones Brother Furniture, Jones Insurance Agency (on 413 Fourth St circa1926), Jones Cash Store at South Fork Park, operated by Charlie W. and Mary N. Jones on Old Town-Clemmons Road from June 1924, 100 years ago, until 1948.
Pharmacist William A. Jones and His brother John W. Jones (negus) consulted with Folger Brothers to erect a building to house Jones Drug Store and other businesses, completed in March 1904 at a cost of $5236.30 this was 9 years prior to the consolidation of the city Winston-Salem, est 1913. WSCD 1908; FBC, folder VIII-D “Contract Ledger, 1903-1909. ref page 89 Winston-Salem Architectural History .
Jones Grocery Store est 1875 still standing pictured May 2023 off Shallowford Road near Lewisville, North Carolina
According to my studies William A. Jones The Son of Joseph Spurgeon Jones who built the Original Store. Not sure if this is the same William A. Jones who started Jones Drug Store but the timelines line up from this historical marker of Shallowford Road near 421 hwy in Lewisville right before you get to the Yadkin River.
In 1984 Air Atlanta Airline Company was started by two negro attorneys, Michael Hollis and Daniel Kolber. Air Atlanta offered first class service to all it’s customers. They developed a legit business system, no different from Southwest or Piedmont Airlines. However they went bankrupt and were brought out by Piedmont Airlines.
page 52 From 1975 by Carlos A. Jones “Patterson Avenue”
The mirror flip to 48 is 84, in 1984, in our neighborhoods, the talk of the towne, was Daryl Hunt’s conviction, a brother from them halls of Salam, who was wrongfully convicted of the murder of Deborah Sykes of WXII. This brought a lot of turmoil to our people in the city who, majority of our people at the time had been misplaced from their homes. In his novel 1975 Carlos A. Jones, shares about the moments in momma salon during this time period, These were the conversations during that time period back in 1984. Everytime I’d be at Momma’s Salon, the women would have these long discussion about different solutions for our advancement so what happened to Daryl wouldn’t happen again. Honestly it opened my eyes and forced me to see reality.” Page 51 1975. If I was living during that era at the age I am now, I would be teaching Due Process of Law, in my mommas salon, that’s secured in the Bill of Rights, 5th Amendment, these are our fundamental principals that are missing in our education systems even today.
“More than 600 acres of houses were razed in the early 1960’s and 4000 families were moved from their homes to Federal Housing Projects.”
In Winston-Salem a History by Frank Tursi it says that in the 1960s 4,000 families were misplaced. Everyone knew of the Daryl Hunt trial but very little knew, that in 1984, even with the dark cloud over our city from what Daryl had to go through, a star or should I say a car was born , herr name, Porsche Jones born to Cheryl Jones and Albert Scales, clap for em 3x ayye, in the same exact city of Daryl Hunt. Daryl was locked up for the duration of Porsche's life leading up to her career at Wake Forest. So as he was wrongfully convicted Porsche was rightfully making a difference. Napoleon Hill says that for every seed of disadvantage is an equal seed of advantage. Nothing comes by luck, you have to make a choice first, let’s learn how Porsche got to were she is today.
No More Suits Innerviews the CEO of BOND Basketball, Porsche Jones
“Whenever you have the opportunity to make a choice you have to trust exactly what you feel inside of you; its God, intuition, desire!”
When it comes to Jones history in the Tre Fo, Porsche Jones is a name you need to know!
Success can look different for difference people. The way I describe it in the Alarm Clock is being able to see the Unforeseen. Porsche has mastered that on multiple levels. Napoleon Hill Discovered The Law of Success by interviewing successful people and finding the common denominator, among them, this is how Think and Grow Rich was mastered, a collection of interviews of prominent people from the Industrial Revolution.
You ever notice how in contracts it always word “Let it be known by all men” even in the Declaration of Independence it says “governments is instituted amongst men” but what about women? Therefore I had to innerview Porsche Jones, for it was a mere birthright, to learn about the spark that got her where she is today through self determination and her Bond Foundation that she herself Instituted that has helped over 30 players earn college scholarships. And now she is making a profound impact in the same place where she grew up, sorta like Nipsey, like somebody chose us, this weight on our shoulder, still we keep going. Long Live Hussle. Nipsey would have been 39 today.
We got to talk about her early childhood and how coming from a single parent household, and being raised by her grandparents, the honorable Robert and Manderline Scales , was a challenge for her yet it exposed her to a lot of opportunity at an early age. Both of her Grandparents were people of Nobility in the city, Her grandfather was a Master Mason and her Grandmother was a Delta, a Daughter of Isis, National Women of Achievement, was on The National Council of Negro Women, et Al. “I had no choice but to be someone because this was my foundation” Jones stated.
The Honorable Robert and Manderline Scales
From our previous articles we see the impact that real education can have on the human family, with William and Maltida the late 11th century King and Queen of England, their focus on educating their offsprings, kept their lineage in reign for over 900 years. With Baba Joe Dudley, his parents having a desire for all their children to go to college, lead Baba Joe to start his on college, with international satellite campuses, his academy in Chicago is still active today. This is the power that education can have on one’s life if valued the right way.
What I learned from our innerview with Porsche was that her granny, Dr. Scales was the Vice President of Student Affairs, at Winston-Salem State University, in her coming of age, which is a very notable position. Porsche told me that early on, Dr. Scales took her under her wing, taking her to classes at the University, she also was apart of the Math and Science Program headed by Virginia Newell. When the time arrived for Porsche to go to High School, she would’ve went to Reynolds, but she convinced her grandparents to let her go to Carver instead.
Before she got to Carver, Porsche was Self-Determined to leverage the opportunity to get to college. She knew she was good at basketball but for Porsche she had a desire to compete. “College was my Focal Point, but I had no idea that I could get a full ride for playing sports.” That wasn’t common then especially not for women, but with the right will power, Anything is Possible!! Napoleon Hill considers this A Definite Chief Aim, in his success formula. Not only was Porsche determined to get to college but she also was at the school she desired to go. In one year she was able to turn the Girls Basketball Program around taking them to back-to-back State Championships. Her performance got her offers early her sophomore year from NC State, Clemson, Virginia Tech, UNC Charlotte, et Al. However Porsche again exercised her birthright and chose to stay local by electing to go to Wake Forest.
In 1949, the North Carolina General Assembly allocated $50 Million for school construction, and local Bond issues made an additional $75 Million available. The Winston-Salem/ Forsyth County School System Completed thirty-six campuses between 1951-1970. p56 Winston-Salem Architectural History.
Photo by No More Suits Pub Co BondLove Day 2024
100 Amazing Facts About The Negro
I must share fact 27 and 28 from 100 Amazing Facts about the Negro by JA Rogers, in honor the first annual BOND LOVE day at Carver High School where 250 shoes were distributed for the kids to have a fresh pair of kicks for their first day back to school which for Forsyth County was August 12th, 2024. Examine the Parallels, its as if it this day was written a long time ago. Stay Bonded.
Carver High School’s Porsche Jones drives to the basket against Rockingham Co. defender Carol Lowe (right) during the Lady Jackets’ 46-42 win at Carver High School in 2002.
27. Jan Ernest Matzeliger, A Dutch West Indian Negro living in Lynn, Mass., invented the first machine for sewing the soles of shoes to the uppers. This invention, which was eleven years in the making, revolutionized the industry and gave shoes supremacy to the United States. It made several millionaires, one of whom left $4,000,000 to Havard University. Overwork and privation hastened Matzeliger to his grave in 1889 at the age of 37. He left a few shares of stock to a white church, which later saved it from being sold for debt.
28. George Washington Carver of Tuskegee Institution, one of the world’s greatest agricultural chemists, was awarded the Roosevelt Medal in 1939 for “distinguished service in the field of Science.’ From the Peanut he extracted 285 products, from the sweet potato, 118. Dr. Carver was born a slave. Thomas Edison once offered him a large salary to take charge of one of Edison Laboratories but Carver refused in order to continue the work he had begun with Booker T. Washington at Tuskegee Institute.
From Carver to Wake Forest
Porsche went to Wake the same year her cousin Joshua Howard was drafted from Wake Forest in the 2003 NBA Draft to the Dallas Mavericks. During Josh era at Wake the Joel was like the Garden for the city. With the 29th pick in this years draft head ahh.The two hometown heros recently launched the BOND Center of Excellence, a community center with basketball courts, weight rooms, fitness facilities and classrooms for the Winston-Salem community.
One of the main reasons Porsche chose to go to Wake was because it is close to home and it was more convenient for her grandparents who were aging at the time to attend games and spend time with her. Porsche told me that growing up around WSSU and going Carver that she had been around people who looked like her pretty much her whole life. So when she got to Wake Forest, an international school, though local, it has students from all over the world, therefore Porsche had to adapt to this significant change, but still being able to stay rooted. Though she interfaced many challenges throughout her career at Wake she is in there record books for assists, steals, assist-to-turnover ratio and minutes played. Her junior year of college, she lost her grandfather, this had huge impact on her life, so when the opportunity came to return back to play in grad school she opted out to focus more on herself from that point she started Bond.
The Origins Of Bond
“Bond Impact in Winston has been Amazing!! Porsche and her team go over and beyond to help those in need. Proud to call her Family”
Bond / Noun
1. A relationship between people or groups based on shared feelings, interests, or experiences.
The Oxford American Dictionary
According to Black’s Law Sixth Edition, a Bond is contractual agreement between surety, the principal and the obligee where as the surety agrees to protect the obligee if the principal defaults in performing the principal’s contractual obligations. The bond is the instrument which binds the surety.
For Porsche, Bond is an acrynonym that was revealed to her by the Most High, in her grandfather’s Cadillac, meaning to Build On New Development. (This same place she got the revelation for BondLove Day)
The People who I connected with through basketball or through my grandparents, we had a connection but it was based on a Bond; That’s the biggest way of making long term relationships, partnerships, friendships, etc, through the bond that’s created.
After college Porsche desired to build this bond with her community. “ I wanted to give back to kids who come from a single parent home, who need additional love and support, I wanted to be a resource for them.” she went on to say that “I wish I was apart of program like Bond when she was coming of age, but it was divine for her to be the one to initiate it for our city.”
It all started from her training young girls at Reynolds Park Rec, from there she saw how hungry they were to compete, the same ambition she had back when she first got to Carver. At first the girls Porsche trained, played against all boy teams. At some point the parents suggested that they form their own team and compete in tournaments. Once BOND consolidated their team, it was as if was an embodiment of Porsche’s Career at Carver, they won state championships, regionals, nationals, and even played in Nikey Circuits. Porsche opt out of making Bond a shoe sponsored team because she didn’t want any interference with the team’s independence.
During our Innerview I got to speak with Porsche about the future of women’s sports with how teams like South Carolina dominating and players like Angela Reese and Caitlin Clark giving women’s basketball the publicity it deserves, how BOND plays a part in that. Porsche told me that her biggest thing is educating women on how to leverage contracts, the importance of knowing the coaching staffs, and also the fight for equal pay for women. Porsche said profoundly “men can hoop but they can’t give birth, or do they have cycles every month” highlighting that women have to play in these conditions, therefore pay them the equity they deserve. So again we see that educational pillar plays a role here according to Porsche basketball is the common interests that brings the BOND together and education is the surety if you will.
In closing I will like to add that I was shared with my father Gordon Slade, that I was doing an article on Dr. Scales granddaughter, and he told me that he has not seen her (Porsche) since she was 10 years old, he knew Dr. Scales very well, he told me that everywhere Dr. Scales went there was Porsche also. I think that speaks volumes to this article and to sum this up in one: Phrase stick by your elders! Our city is an athletic town, a lot of great talent come from Tre4 such as Chris Paul, Brandon Childress, Harry Giles III, Josh Howard, Zach Austin, etc. To go D1 you have to really be dedicated, what I value about Porsche is how humble she is.This Back to School drive shows that she is still rooted and it continuing her grandparents legacy by not only giving back but through her sport’s outlet and education the principles for her success, this is only the beginning. This is a great example of how to honor a legacy and create a better avenue for the people who come from where you come from.
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Dr. Manderline Scales, 91, passed away surrounded by love at the home of her granddaughter, Porsche Jones, on January 17, 2019. via Russell Funeral Home.
Written By @darrellqslade engineered and edited by @nomoresuitspubco
BONDLOVEDAY2024 Carver High School