International Court of Justice issues a Landmark Opinion for Israel; World Leaders Share Input.
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In Memory of Ishmail Al Ghoul
Ishmail Al Ghoul 1997-2024 (aged 27)a journalist who lost his life on the grounds of Gaza while I was transcribing this very article which was written by hand. On Behalf of No More Suits, We Dedicate this article to you, your family, and your Chief Ishamel Haniyeh who was also martyd by Israel in his own sovereign capacity in Terhan the same day. We pray that journalists around the world continue this fight for self-determination and for humanity. If you have a voice speak for what’s right, La illa Ella Allah Mohammed Rasul Allah.
19:06 Montreal Time Zone
Real Acts of Humanity
A few weeks before our daughter was born, Milady and I were at Target off Gunbarrel in East Brainerd, we was getting our last few items off our registry for our new addition. A young lady noticed milady’s belly at the self checkout , and out of the kindness of her heart offered us clothes for the bushuka, a tub, and a diaper bag as well, she had been holding on to it, and didn’t know what to do with it until she saw milady; she had no idea that it was her 27th, birthday as well, it was all alignment. The challenge was, we decided to wait til birth to find out what we were having, and everything that the young lady had was for a baby girl, but we accepted in good faith, and nearly a month later our daughter arrived Bismillah. She told us, “that she was a mother herself, so she understood the principle of real support, I think all parents can relate to that, we appreciate all the genuine help.” This was the ultimate measure of Humanity, something that the world is lacking today and it’s very important that we report real humane acts, to remind us that their is still real people in the world who care about humanity, specifically women and children, as Marvin Gaye would say, save the babies. We gotta save the babies…
International Court’s July 19th Ruling
The International Court of Justice, which has its seat in The Hague, is the principal judicial organ of the United Nations. (Netherlands)
The International Court of Justice Landmark opinion on 19 Jul 2024 was monumental for human history. The reactions from the leaders in governments from around the world offering moral support show that they’re for humanity and value the right of self determination by siding with judges’, from the highest court in the land, decision who, as the country of Liechtenstein says, that The ICJ is an independent Court who puts the law at the centre of all international disputes.
I stand with Palestine because I am a father of two beautiful kids, Jordan and Charlotta. I stand with Palestine because I know what its like to be misplaced. I stand with Palestine because my people The Ani Yun Wiya ᎠᏂᏴᏫᏯ, literally meaning The Real People, have been denationalized, misrepresented, killed and misplaced by the United States government since it’s inception. See Treaty of New Etowah. It sad to report that it is still happening in 2024.
After the ruling, The United States had very few to say about its regards to the acts of human genocide occurring right now in Palestine, they found the high courts opinion to be “inconsistent with international law.” The President is yet to make an official statement. (as of 23.7.2024) But they continuously have been offering support to Israel.
The Defense for Children International - Palestine, Ahmed Abu Artema; Mohammed Ahmed Abu Rokbeh; Mohammed Herzallah; A.N.; Laila Elhaddad; Waeil Elbhassi; Basim Elkarra; and Dr. Omar vs President Joe Biden, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin
On Nov 13 2023 a federal complaint was filed in the United States District Court For The Northern District of California, against President Joe Biden, Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, for their complicity with Israeli government’s unfolding genocide in Palestine and their failure to prevent it from happening, by The Defense for Children International - Palestine, Ahmed Abu Artema; Mohammed Ahmed Abu Rokbeh; Mohammed Herzallah; A.N.; Laila Elhaddad; Waeil Elbhassi; Basim Elkarra; and Dr. Omar El Najjar Case No. 3:23-cv-5829. read more here.
The complaint noted that The US is Israel’s closest ally and strongest supporter as well biggest provider of military assistance, equipment, and personnel to support and further its assault on Gaza. Since October 7th, they have requested 14.1 billion from Congress to support Israel’s military, and have approved the sale of $320 millions worth of military equipment to Israel to manufacture precision bomb kits. This was done without the consent of the American people. Now the United States Government don’t speak on the subject but continues to raise millions in donations in this presidential election from the same people they are misrepresenting.
It is the president’s obliged duty to speak on these matters especial after the ruling from the world court. The American people need to be aware of this because they are indirectly impacted by these unlawful acts. Futhuremore they must officially respond to the complaint that was made against the Palestinians.
This takes us to Article 3 of the US constitution section 2 Where it states ‘that the United States must extend to all cases affecting ambassadors, public ministers, The judicial Power shall extend to all Cases, in Law and Equity, arising under this Constitution, the Laws of the United States, and Treaties made, or which shall be made, under their Authority, to Controversies to which the United States shall be a Party, between Citizens of different States,—between Citizens of the same State claiming Lands under Grants of different States, and between a State, or the Citizens thereof, and foreign States, Citizens or Subjects.’
In this case The United States is a party and The Palestinians are the foreign state. And according to their original filing they are in the proper court venue. Venue is proper in the Northern District of California pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1391(e)(1) as this case is brought against United States officials acting in their official capacity, and Plaintiff Waeil Elbhassi resides in this judicial district.
Furthurmore it states that
This Court has jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 1331 and 1350 over claims arising under customary international law, which is part of federal common law, including those codified in the Genocide Convention and Genocide Convention Implementation Act, 18 U.S.C. § 1091. Jurisdiction is also proper pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 2201 et seq. (Declaratory Judgment Act).
Last Friday (19.7.2024), The International Court of Justice, after careful review, found Israel’s continued presence in Palestine territory to be Illegal.
“The State of Israel is under obligation to bring an end to its unlawful presence in occupied Palestinian Territory as rapidly as possible”
According to a BBC report, since 1967 Israel has established nearly 160 settlements of those settlements around 700,000 Jews are housed. Click here for the full Advisory Opinion issued by the International Court of Justice from 19. 7. 2024 anno domini. The court found these settlements to be unlawful under international law.
Recently the prime minister for Israel Bejamin Netanhyahu mocked efforts made by the international courts, to seek an arrest ‘warrant for war crimes’ when he spoke to congress.
The Magna Carta issued in 1215 indorsed by King Jon declared that a King is not above the law. The International Courts are unbiased because they are independent and have a board of representatives from around the world who’s aim is to uphold international law. Israel and the United States with their complicity has violated the world's trust for humanity.
International Court of Justice | Current Members
President Nawaf Salam | Lebanon | Member of the Court since 6 February 2018; President of the Court as from 6 February 2024
Vice-President Julia Sebutinde | Uganda | Member of the Court since 6 February 2012; re-elected as from 6 February 2021; Vice-President of the Court as from 6 February 2024
Judge Peter Tomka | Slovakia | Member of the Court since 6 February 2003; re-elected as from 6 February 2012 and as from 6 February 2021; Vice-President of the Court from 6 February 2009 to 5 February 2012; President of the Court from 6 February 2012 to 5 February 2015
Judge Ronny Abraham | France | Member of the Court since 15 February 2005; re-elected as from 6 February 2009 and as from 6 February 2018; President of the Court from 6 February 2015 to 5 February 2018
Judge Dalveer Bhandari | India | Member of the Court since 27 April 2012, re-elected as from 6 February 2018
Judge Hilary Charlesworth | Australia | Member of the Court since 5 November 2021; re-elected as from 6 February 2024
Judge Sarah H. Cleveland | United States of America | Member of the Court since 6 February 2024
Judge Abdulqawi Ahmed Yusuf | Somalia | Member of the Court since 6 February 2009; re-elected as from 6 February 2018; Vice-President of the Court from 6 February 2015 to 5 February 2018; President of the Court from 6 February 2018 to 8 February 2021
Judge Bogdan-Lucian Aurescu | Romania | Member of the Court since 6 February 2024 | Biography
Judge Xue Hanqin | China | Member of the Court since 29 June 2010; re-elected as from 6 February 2012 and as from 6 February 2021; Vice-President of the Court from 6 February 2018 to 8 February 2021
Judge Juan Manuel Gomez Robledo | Mexico | Member of the Court since 6 February 2024
What the world is saying ?
The ruling from the highest of all Courts, wasn’t a decided case, it was declared an opinion, but it had much influence on nationalist from around the world, namely Australia, Belgium came out and said “Belgium will always stand for the respect of international law.” Brazil, Bolivia, and Egypt all made statements. Iceland stated that Israeli occupation of The West Bank and East Jerusalem is unlawful and so are its settlement activities.
“To respect and implement the ICJ’s advisory opinion, assist the Palestinian people in exercising their right to self-determination and work to end the humanitarian suffering they endure.”
The Biden Administration was one of the few governments to reject the ruling “We are concerned that the breadth of the court’s opinion will complicate efforts to resolve the conflict and bring about an urgently needed just and lasting peace with two states living side by side in peace and security.” the US Department of State told the Reuters news agency.
Other Countries such as Indonesia, Ireland, and Qatar welcomed the opinion strongly suggesting Israelis to Evacuate the area and to compensate the Palestinians. Jordan Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ayman Safadi remarks was that Israel’s impunity must end. Its war crimes must be stopped. Israel must be held accountable for their actions.
Kuwait, Lichtenstein, Malaysia, Norway, Spain, Slovenia, South Africa, and the United Kingdom’s newly assembled Labour Government, who is currently funding for Palestinian refugees camps, all respect the ICJs in dependency and their opinion.
Turkiye Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hakan Fidan, said that We (Turkiye) will continue our efforts to ensure that crimes committed against the Palestinians including current genocidal acts against the people of Gaza, do not go unpunisheded.
The Declaration of Principles of Indigeneous Rights
In The Declaration of Principles of Indigeneous Rights adopted by the 4th General Assembly of the World Council of Indigeneous Peoples in Panama Septemeber of 1984, the first principle states that ‘all indigenous people have the right to self-determination.’ In The ICJ’s opinion this right is continuously being violated, according to Al Jazeera,As of July 31, more than 125 Journalist have been killed in the Israel-Gaza war, a prime example of the violation of the right to self-determination, especially the ones who are on the front line, to present these stories to the world. This does not include the women and children who lives have been taking away from this war which surpasses some 10,000, which is a very low estimate, even just one is wrong.
The second principle, All states within which Indigenous People live, shall recognize the population, territory and institutions of the Indigenous People.
In 1977 The Draft for the Declaration for the Defense of the Indigenous Nations and peoples of the Western Hemisphere was developed and circulated by the Indigenous participants at the non government population at Geneva. In it stated the in order to classify as a nation, the nation group must meet the fundamental requirements of nationhood, namely
(a) having a permanent population. ie Liechtenstein, Europa’s Fourth smallest country has a population of 40,023.
(b) Having a define territory. Ie The ICJ said that Israel’s policies and practices amounted to the annexation of a large part of the Palestinian Territory.
(c)Having a government. ie The Fatah is the controlled government body that exercise partial civil control over the Palestinian enclaves in the Israeli-occupied West Bank as result of the 1993-95 Oslo Accords.
(d) Having the ability to enter into relationships with other states. Ie Today is 23 July, 2024 and literately as I am writing this very article, I discover that the Palestinian Factions; Hamas and Fatah just signed a declaration in China vowing to form a unitas government to govern the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip, after the Israel Hamas war. In the Declaration of Independence in reads That; whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. In the heat of this genocidal war, we can learn from the Palestinian Leadership, in fact this is them exercising their right to self-determination.
In the process of me putting this article together, a series of events has occurred, the initial article was written in one setting on 23.7.2024, since that day two majors events has occurred;
1.The Sunday following the Court’s ruling, on 21 July, 2024 President Biden Drops out the Presidential Race.
2. on 31. 7. 2024 Hamas Political chief Ismail Haniyeh, who had great influence on the Palestinian People, was assassinated in Iran’s capital Tehran by the Israeli.
3. That same day, Palestinian Journalist, Ismail Al-Ghoul and his camera man Rami al-Rifi were killed by an Israeli air strike while they were reporting from northern Gaza at Al- Shati. Ismail was only 27 years old.
I came across a reporter that said that Al Ghoul wanted to make it back to his daughter, again prima facie self-determination which was violated even after the World Court’s Opinion. As a father and a journalist its hard not feel for him, he is one of us, we are him, not only that but for his cameraman who went out like brave hearts on the front line, to report the world the genocide that has happened to their people in their own lands, this takes a great deal of courage. We must always honor that. Al-Ghoul’s death was targeted by IDF, in addition to violating right to self determination, but also abridged his freedom of speech, and freedom of the press. Time stamp 2.8.2024 5:29 Montreal time.
Hamas Political chief Ismail Haniyeh | MAJID ASGARIPOUR / VIA REUTERS
Ismail Al-Ghoul report from the ground of Gaza
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Israel Denounces China x Hamas Declaration
According to Click on Detroit, A Declaration between Hamas-Fatah and China, restores the Palestinian Borders before 1967 when Israel captured the West Bank, for them to be recognized as a nation state. So when you search it on your maps it should read Palestine.
1881 Old Testament Map of Palestine H.H. Hardesty Publisher and Proprietor. Chicago, Illinois and Toledo, Ohio. Courtesy of the Library of Congress.
Here you can see on apple maps in 2024 the defined Palestinian territory listed as Israel. but no mention of Palestine however a lot of the key cities are listed on both maps. Leave a comment of the cities you still see today from the old map.
Of course Israel government denounced the deal after it was announced, why would they respect Palestinian authority ? Their excuse for the war was Hamas’s involvement in October 7th, that because of such, Hamas will have no involvement after the war, which you cannot have a one sided war, Palestine has been waved their white flag, no innocent human’s life should be surety for war. This just a few days after the landmark ruling opinion from the Court that said that Israel whole operation in Palestinian territory was de facto, void ab initio, and that it clearly violates international law. The Magna Carta was put in place to assure that no King was above the law, however clearly Israel has no respect for authority.
The Federalist Papers was a volume series of commentary on constitutional principles around the time Thomas Jefferson was President of the United States. In Federalist no. 78 Alexander Hamilton, then Secretary of The Treasury, spoke to the very issue we are dealing with now, corruption of government. ‘The representatives of the people are superior to the people themselves, that men acting by virtue of powers, May not only do what their powers do not authorize, but what they forbid.’
Why Americans Should Be More Concerned about this Genocide.
The United States is using US Taxpayer dollars to subsidize this Genocidal war and Israel Prime Minister, Benjamin Nehantyahu met with both presidential candidates Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, on his recent visit to the US, to assure a future relationships, between Israel and The United States, but this is no concern for majority democrats I spoke with, their main concern is about project 2025, however what’s going on in Gaza is really the most horrific event perhaps in human history. The people should be challenging the Candidates on these issues, not if Trump is Orange or what color Kamala identifies as; this is a woman of Indian heritage her grandfather, Painganadu Venkataraman Gopalan, served as joint secretary to the Government of India. India has also been complicit with the Genocidal war by sending weapons to Israel for their war on Gaza, which has claimed over 40,000 lives since October and counting by the hour, unfortunately.
Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel’s prime minister, left, and Vice President Kamala Harris shake hands during a meeting in the Vice President’s Ceremonial Office in Washington, DC, on July 25, 2024.
(Kenny Holston / The New York Times/Bloomberg via Getty Images)
Former President Donald Trump meets with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on July 26, 2024 at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Fla. (Photo: Trump Campaign)
The People of India do not agree with their Government’s Complicity to Genocide, calls for Halt.
“The fanciful imagery of the Arabian poetry and the legends were very much like the literature of the same type in India. It showed the superior development of the speech of Islam, the lustre of the empire of the Caliphs, and in the knowledge of the arts and carried to the western world by the Saracens. This rich Arabian Language was the union of dialects of northern and central Semetic Arabians and the Himyaritic of southern of Arabia. This can be proved by the similarity of the roots.
The languages had so overlapped that the Cushite inhabitants of Palestine, who were called Samaritans, could converse with Hebrews. Christ talked to a Samaritan woman at the well. Constant Trade unified the tongues. Moses in the earlier days had been able to converse with the Ethiopian daughters of Jehtro. The Queen of Sheba, who was Ethiopian, was able to converse with Solomon ( the ability to enter into relationships with other states). The Ethiopian treasurer of Queen Candace was reading a Hebrew version of the Scriptures, when Peter was told by the spirit to preach to him Christ Crucified.”
Active writer and activist Arundhati Roy along with former Indian Supreme Court Judges, and bureaurats, sent a letter to India’s defense ministry calling for an immediate halt to issuing of permits to export arms, drones and other explosives to Israel. According to Article III of the Genocide Convention, state complicity to genocide is a punishable offence.
"India is bound by various international laws and treaties that obligate India not to supply military weapons to States guilty of war crimes, as any export could be used in serious violations of international humanitarian law," the letter added.
Which brings us back to the United States, the people of America should be challenging these candidates with questions not only how they can establish a cease fire deal and how they plan prevent this from ever happening again, and charging President Joe Biden to do the same thing right in this instant, he is still President therefore it is his oath to the Bill of Rights, the due process clause, if you violate international law you violate the constitution. He owes it to the people who he represents, in office, the people who voted for him and the ones who trust his leadership and to the ones who don’t, to answer for these war crimes. Furthermore if found guilty, everyone involved must be held accountable, again a king is not above the law, and the President is not a king. The United States must see to it for Palestinians to be justly compensated for the damages in Gaza caused by their complicity.
The people have the power, true, but relinquish it when they vote without challenging the authority. Here’s what we see being done by the common people of India who disagree with their government’s complicity.
A ship from India was refused entry to Spain on account of it carrying explosives en route to Israel. I have been in the transportation administration for ten years now, this how became well versed in law because these are conversations we have on a daily basis, you have to analyze the contract before its signed. Spain rejecting entry, speaks to there integrity and is a prime example of if provided the opportunity, how not to comply to genocide, no matter the cost, its not to get a medal of honor, though deserving, it more so because it the right thing to do, the path of righteousness if you will, it comes down to one decision, that one decision could save thousands of lives. The United States and India both had the opportunity to do the same but failed to do so. Again without properly informing the people.
Roy said that though India had been a longtime supporter of Palestinian rights, things have changed. This is what voters should be asking their candidates about.
My question for Kamala is where she stands with her people who wrote this letter? Is she familiar with them ? Her former Supreme Court Justice ? Does the United States have influence to meet the needs written in the letter sent by her people to the Indian Government? This is important to know because how can you represent us when your aren’t representing your own. Nationality plays a key role here because Kamala can speak on both governments whom both just so happen to be complicit with Israel. Again Save the Babies.
This just in. 8. August 2024. On Wednesday 7 August Protesters at Kamla Harris rally in Michigan interrupted her speech, chanting “Kamala, Kamala you can’t hide! We won’t vote to Genocide.’
Her Response was “If you want Donald Trump to win, then say that, otherwise I’m speaking.”
According to Al Jazeera Leaders of a “Uncommitted” Protest-vote movement in Michigan have said they will not endorse Kamala Harris until she clarifies her stance on a ceasefire in Gaza as well as for weapon transfers to Israel. This pure example of the people exercising their rights, by yielding there votes as form of protest to prevent Genocide. Keep it going. Allahuakbar.
The Fundamental Constitution of Carolina 1670
“A true monarch sides with the women and children to whom he is surrounded by. ”
In the fascimile of the first page of John Locke’s The Fundamental Constitution of Carolina, Published in London 1670 it states to avoid erecting numerous democracies, this was before the Declaration of Indepedence, therefore during this time the whole concept of a union democracy would have violated this very constitution which was established for the Carolingian People. A monarchy is established through hereditary. A democracy is supposively established through the votes of the people but then you have the electoral college and all that confusing shit, but regardless the elected officials are sworn in to office and pledge oaths to the same constitution that they violate without being held accountable.
In the Gaurdian Report from 20 July 2024, The last dukes, earls, viscounts and barons are to be removed from the UK’s unelected upper house, the House of Lords, by the newly elected Labour government – which has declared their presence “outdated and indefensible” and that some of the hereditary peers can trace their family’s presence in the House of Lords back to medieval times. All are men, thanks to titles that can be passed only to male heirs, all are white and most are over the age of 70.
“Some argue the hereditary peers bring life experience with them, with a deeper understanding of the historical constitutional workings of parliament that can only come from passing knowledge from generation to generation. The idea that someone can sit in a lawmaking chamber by birthright is not in keeping with modern day democracy. Paying homage to history and tradition is not strong enough.”
In His 100 Amazing Facts about the Negro, fact no 66, Ja Rogers says that in 1670, Virginia passed a law forbidding Negros from buying white people. This was fifty-one years after the negro had arrived in chains. The same law was repeated in 1748. Free Negroes bought white people in such numbers in Louisiana, that the state made a similar law in 1818.
Ayy, once upon a time, all of us was in chains
Homie still doubled down callin' us some slaves
Atlanta was the Mecca, buildin' railroads and trains
Bear with me for a second, let me put y'all on game
The white men was usin' townfolk to make 'em richer
Fast-forward, 2024, you got the same agenda-Kendrick Lamar, They not Like Us
Edward William Fitzalan-Howard, 67, the 18th Duke of Norfolk, the highest-ranking duke in England, holds the hereditary office of Earl Marshal (held by Dukes of Norfolk since 1672), giving him a constitutional role in state ceremonials. This ties directly back to John Locke’s time period when the Carolina Constitution was in rotation in London.
This is in fact how we governed our affairs in the Carolinas, before the Mayflower if you will. Similar to the Palestinians, Carolina is it’s own nation state, Providence if you will, that has been recognized for a long time, our Providence is not dead but dormant. It would make since why it was written in our constitution from 1670 for us to avoid democracies because it denationalizes a sovereign people with de facto government policies, which as we can see can be dangerous to humanity. Further proof that we had an established Monarchy in Carolina is the main Creek, that flows through the Historic Township of Bethabara in the Wachovia Valley, The Monakas, which starting point is a the intersection of Indiana and North Point and it flushes into the modern Mill Creek (old Johannes/Jones) near where Bethabara Road bends into Old Town Drive .
Map of Bethabara 1766 compared to 2024
Moravian Surveyor and prolific mapmaker, Christian Gottlied Reuter, illustrated topographically intricate maps of Wachovia. Bethabara (above) in Wachovia map was created in 1766 the same year Salam was found by the Moravians. Notice Monakas Creek right below Bethabara. Courtesy of the Historic Bethabara Park.
Here you see in 2024 the Monarcas is still listed, pouring into what is now the Mill Creek (not listed here), old map listed as Johanna which can Translate to Giannas/Yiannis/Giannis a variant of John, but it was also listed as Jones Creek on the maps presented to King George III as well.
And That the Government of this Province may be made most agreeable to the monarchy under which we live and of which this Province is apart; and that we may avoid erecting a numerous democracy, we the Lords and Proprietors of the Province aforesaid, have agreed to this following form of Government, to be perpetually established amongst us, unto what we do oblige ourselves our heirs, and successors, in the most binding ways that can be derived. The Fundamental Constitution of Carolina 1670
Therefore if it says avoid erecting a democracy what’s the alternative, to voting? as I am often asked. How about erecting your dormant estate? I firmly trust this is how you restore the Providence by being lord of your own affairs, in the dominions of your fore fathers and mothers. Read the Richest Man in Babylon. This year I taught an estate planning course entitled “Lord of The Fees” on how you can erect your estate and govern it like it is the crown because your estate is your crown and in law it stands equivalent to foreign states, as we mentioned earlier in the article, with the case by the people of Palestine (Foreign Nationals). Even if your aren’t a lord of land, you can still be a Lord of Fees, it is your birthright, as Pharrell Williams said so profoundly Equity over Equality. Which leads us the last topic, why Palestinians are to receive reparations and Black People don’t, let’s discuss…
Why Palestinians are to receive reparations and Black People don’t, let’s discuss…
Pro Palestinians Protesters at the North Carolina Capitol, May 2nd 2024. (Raleigh)
Indigenous People not meeting the requirements of nationhood ie black people still have protection in international law and are recognized in International Law . As I mentioned earlier filing in the right venue can make all the difference. Our motto for North Carolina is Esse quam verdi, which in latin means to be rather than to seem. You really have to know who you are in order to be who you are.
On June 12, 2024 The Oklahoma Supreme Court dismissed a law suit by the last two known living survivors of the Tulsa Massacre in 1921. They where seeking reparations for the violence that resulted in hundreds of deaths of black people and the destruction of the self sufficient town they built from ground up. Reuters, Nat Raymond.
The ruling of the court was that the plaintiff sued under state law and not federal law, therefore they could not appeal to the Supreme Court. While most people will and probably are upset by this, we can learn from this simple mistake. Remember the case we discussed in the beginning of the article that indicated the Court has jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 1331 and 1350 over claims arising under customary international law, which is part of federal common law, including those codified in the Genocide Convention and Genocide Convention Implementation Act, 18 U.S.C. § 1091. Jurisdiction is also proper pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 2201 et seq. (Declaratory Judgment Act).
Furthermore according to the New York Times, The Court said that though the Massacre happened, it did not fall in the scope of their state’s statue. I see nothing wrong with this ruling, they were honest, clearly that court lacked jurisdiction. See the issue? Denationalization to the fullest extent. What people fail to realize is that these are the descendants of the Aniyunwiya commonly known as the Cherokee who was forced from their ancestral lands during the Trail of Tears, in the Carolinas, and traveled west to settle on reservation camps controlled by the United States in Oklahoma. Once these people who descendent from the original human family, was brought in to the United States Jurisdiction they came in under the 14th amendment and was registered as black,negro, colored, Indian, et al. This made them subjects of the United States, therefore creating a house of cards, this why they have yet to receive reparation because when you claim to be black you have no standing in law according to Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 Therefore not only did this give up their birthright but also the right to sue which is guaranteed in the Bill of Rights. Just compensation is Justice.
This is what we see happening in Palestine today, even on the iphone maps, it doesn’t say Palestine it says Israel. This is why the ruling from the international Courts of Justice is very much so important, that is why I’m using my platform to cover these chain of events that is still occuring as I am transcribing this article. I strongly urge that surviving families impacted by this Genocidal war in Gaza to receive consul on how to receive their reparation by filing through the ICJ.
For Black people, I challenge you to know your real roots and take pride in the lands that made you who you are, it’s geopolitical, this is why you are entitled to a nationality.
“(1) Everyone has the right to a nationality.
(2) No one shall be arbitrarily deprived
of his nationality nor denied the right to
change his nationality.”
Challenge these senators and representatives on these matters, they are the ones who pledged a oath to the constitution. You have to know that your origin government comes from within regardless who is in office you are in the house of your own estate, it’s a mindset. Stay true to your pursuit of happiness and build wealth by honest means. Trust what’s yours.
From the Hills de Wachovia on the Northside of the Jones creeks in our Beloved Providence Carolina de Nord. This Fifth Day of August 2024 nunc pro tunc 23 July 2024 anno domini.
Closing Remarks
First off thanks for reading, you have no idea how much time and effort goes into these articles, bringing this information to the forefront. Therefore if you took time to read me writs, I appreciate you, you are who I do it for.
In closing I think that it is profound for all the nation groups around the world who are aiding support for Palestine even before this ruling. And for both factions of government in Palestine join together for a common cause, that should be a bold demonstration for families, religious groups, political parties, etc, to despite difference come together for a common reason and that’s to preserve humanity at all cost.
Furthermore I personally have never heard a government grant a nation group or a people reparations. I’ve witnessed black people stress the fight for reparations but never did I see them receive Justice. Consider the facts in this article, I firmly trust that if black people really knew who they were than that will be the real reparation.
We should be happy for our Palestinian brothers and sisters that are surviving this brutal human genocide, who will receive reparations, which is what Taj Tarik Bey would consider a reversion of estate to the de jure. However this will require a lot of work, we as a people worldwide must inner stand how to file in the proper court venues when our rights are violated and learn the ordinances of the court. A lot of people aren’t receiving justice because they aren’t in the proper court venues. As my brother Sabir Bey Says Understand the Language of Law.
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Kehlani Monet Roberts | 30-7-2024 | Greensboro, NC
Jonah Tarik Freeman | 8-8-2024 | Charlotte, NC
BBC | 19.7.2024 | UN Top Court says Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories is illegal.
ICJ | Current Members
Al Jazeera | 14 Nov 2023 | US President Biden sued for ‘complicity’ in Israel’s ‘genocide’ in Gaza
Click on Detroit |23 July 2024| Hamas and Fatah agree to form a government. What does it mean and who are these Palestinian groups?
Middle East Eye | 1 Aug 2024 | Arundhati Roy calls on India to halt arms sales to Israel or 'forever be linked to genocide'
The Gaurdian | 20 Jul 2024 | The last of the hereditary peers in the House of Lords
The New York Times | 12 Jun 2024 | Oklahoma Court Dismisses Tulsa Massacre Lawsuit