Transitions with LB The Poet (8 minute read)

Starting the podcast off we hear LB The Poet’s peaceful laugh, followed by my introduction and shout outs; which were to Forsyth Tech, family friends, and my mentors. LB shouts out his tribe and team, and said “A lot is possible, but nothing is possible without a strong team.” Getting into the interview I first acknowledged the agenda. I broke his lyrics down into three categories; which are Confirm Lyrics, Lyrics Award, and Getting to know about the Artist… more. LB’s album consist of seven songs, but I chose four to dissect. Those four were Journey, Transitions, Nothing was the same, and Made It. Some reasons on why I chose those categories, is because listeners sometimes cannot make the word out that the Artist is saying. An example of that is, saying “me too”, and the listener heard “mental”; but the Artist will confirm those lyrics. Furthermore, Artists who have intellectual and lively advice lyrics get the Lyrics Award, because people need to be mindful about what songs with meaning they keep repeating into their subconscious . Lastly, I made getting to know the Artist… more, because I ask questions off of what I assumed the lyrics really mean, and that gives the Artist space to elaborate what their mind process was when they were formulating those lyrics.

Moving forward to the interview with LB The Poet, but before that, you can listen to the interview via audio at Alexandria’s Podcast . In this article I will be paraphrasing, and only putting one of each, of the categories, which were confirm lyrics, lyrics award, and getting to know the Artist… more.

The first song I dissected with LB was Journey. Which I deemed as all Teacher’s Anthem. The first category I asked him about was confirm lyrics, the lyrics I chose for him to confirm was, “I’ve been doing in a workings”. He said I got those lyrics correct, then he went ahead and elaborated on those lyrics. He said, “I’ve been seeking again, I’ve been looking inward for my answers, I’m healing my own transgressions from the inside out… even when they water is murky, meaning even when it’s not beautiful or clear as day, I still have to go through it in the workings.” For the song Journey the lyrics I chose to be lyrics award granted was, “Either yes or no, can’t move off probably.” “How was your experience k-12th grade with your teachers.” was the question for the last categories of dissecting LB’s lyrics. LB’s response was, “I was one of those students who were advocates for other kids.”

The second song I dissected with LB was Nothing Was the Same. For the confirm lyrics, I picked, “Re-call what I been though”. LB confirms the lyrics as, YOU CANT re-call what I been through. He goes on to say how some people will minimize your transgressions; and some people can’t believe some of the things he made it through. Moving on to lyrics award, I chose, “It’s therapeutic in my pad.” Because it is promoting the benefits of writing, and how it can be therapeutic. For the last categories, which is getting to know the Artist… more, the question I asked was, “Can you give us a brief story line how you and your wife met, and how she supports you?” He said they rode the same bus in middle school, and the two rekindled later on in life via twitter, when LB dropped in her inbox, They were together everyday since that day. She supports him by seeing the light in him, and helping him through his journey through her discernment, love, and guidance.

The third song I dissected with LB The Poet was Transitions featured T. Walker. Which is one of my favorite songs on the track. I did not have a confirm that lyrics one for this song, so we will get into the second category; which is Lyrics Award. The lyrics I found worthy of this award were, “But no matter what, just know that I am standing with you.” In the song transitions LB talks about his childhood and his first best friend, which is his brother. He speaks on how his brother goes down the wrong path, but he’s being told by his mother to stay our of grown people’s business; so LB doesn’t quite know how to be there for his brother because he’s not suppose to know what’s going on, but he vowed he’ll always be there and stand with his brother. That leads us to the second lyric award which is, “I’m going to love without permission.” LB elaborates on this lyrics, by saying despite what his brother was going through he chose to love him without judgement. LB also says how some people do not know how to love themselves, but people who love without permission will still love them. He adds on how love is prescription, because love ends hate.

If you want to listen to the audio, to hear part two to this interview, simply go to Alexandria’s Podcast.

The last song I dissected with LB was Made It featured KD7 . For lyrics award I chose, “It’s all in the blueprint design and construction. Ask me how it popped in my mind, divine instructions.” Wheww, that spoke to my soul y’all. The second lyrics award was “Acknowledging the pain, help make a change. ”LB elaborates on those lyrics by saying, “If you can encourage someone off of your actions, that’s influence and that’s power.” We also talked about the message a lot of these rappers are promoting today, and LB put me on game with the rap genre. He told me based out of Chicago is drill music and that’s kill music. LB started Positive Affirmation Music to start a different kind of genre, and to use his symbol on your music, you’d have to go through Him because you must follow the line of Positive Affirmation Music and what it promotes, which is feel good music. Transitions is very uplifting in all aspects of life. In concluding the interview with LB, I asked him to say something for the children that are currently growing up without a father in the household. He said, “Don’t blame yourself, and don’t live life blaming him.”

Listen to the full interview at Alexandria’s Podcast.
