BatteryXchange is up next; Why millennials should invest in tech.

About BatteryXchange

Everyone has entrepreneurial desires but not everyone has the willpower to take their vision to the next level and build relationships overseas. This wasn’t the case for the founders of BatteryXchange, Aubrey Yeboah and Desmond Wiggan, Jr.

BatteryXchange, Inc. is a tech start-up that provides a portal battery service for cell phone users. BatteryXchange is like the Bird Scooter for portable devices, as Aubrey states. The tech start-up is partnering with bars, restaurants, parks, hospitals and other public locations.  On the app you will be able to locate the nearest BatteryXchange kiosk, scan the QR code, and charge your phone for a small fee, this service will help public entities gain exposure.

The portable charger will be very convenient for users who are about to board a flight and can’t find a plug-in or users who are bar hopping and don’t want to get left behind because they have to plug their phone up.

While there are many portable chargers that consumers buy, Battery Xchange will be the future for the commercial self-charge services because of its exclusivity.  Most portable chargers die quickly and take forever to boost your phone battery; however with BatteryX your phone charges at rapid speeds— we’ve tested it. 

Investor Relations

“If you are not in technology now, you will be left behind in the future”

- Desmond A. Wiggan Jr., Founder of BatteryXchange.

For more information on how you can participate in the crowd fund for BatteryXchange click here.


According to GDP, China is the second largest economy in the world and has an huge impact on the global market.

Our team met with the founders of BatteryXchange Desmond Wiggan Jr. and Aubrey Yeboah, to learn more about the story behind about the inception of their tech company.  Both founders are graduates of Winston-Salem State University, a HBCU, in Winston-Salem, NC.  After undergrad both Aub and Desmond got experience in the corporate world prior to participating in the MBA program at Fort Hayes State University. This program gave them the opportunity to study abroad in China.

“Coming from DC to Winston-Salem allowed me to immerse in a different culture and that’s what gave me that initial spark to build something of significant value outside my comfort zone.” - Aubrey Yeboah on the Impact WSSU had on BatteryX

Des and Aub understood that China was the manufacturing hub for the world and it was imperative for them to leverage that unique opportunity, by making key connects who could help them build their business structure— coming back to United States empty handed, was not an option. They were determined to create a legacy for their families. 

While in China, they established relationships with some influential people who helped them learn how to develop prototypes and grow an international business.

“When you immerse your self with a different culture it opens doors that eliminates a middleman and connects you straight to the source.” -Desmond A. Wiggan Jr. on the importance of building international relationships 

Through their established relations in China, they were able to connect with the manufacture for their start-up and signed a exclusivity contract, making BatteryXchange, Inc the sole distributor of these specific portable batteries through the manufacturer, in the United States.

We are in the industrial age for advancement of technology— machine learning, artificial intelligence, and the value of data is going to have huge impact in the future.  Desmond A. Wiggan BatteryXchange

Aub and Desmond are pioneers;  their platform is very intentional not only to provide a portable battery service but also to expose minorities to the boundless opportunity in the tech arena. The founders have been going to HBCUs, including their alma mater, and other places where people who look like them and don’t have access to schools like Sanford or Harvard, to encourage them to take advantage of the opportunity in the tech space. Not only that but they’ve created investment opportunities for investors tech into their portfolio with their crowd funding campaign.

The way we give back is to show what we’ve experienced in Tech, China, and international business in general, to students—  we did it, therefore you can do it too!

— Desmond Wiggan on the importance of giving back

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