Durr Capital Group: A Real Estate Investment Firm Started by Jackson State University Alum

I went through every emotion, but I didn’t quit
— Nipsey Hussle

Tre Durr, CEO of Durr Capital Group, is experiencing his real estate investment firm reach new heights. Durr Capital Group’s main focus is buying multi-family properties to enhance underdeveloped communities— since its inception the firm has secured multi-family units . 

Tre Durr is a Jackson State University graduate (2016) and has been in the real estate business for two years. Along with his degree from Jackson State, Durr possesses business management certificates from Dartmouth and Yale University and he is a member of the National Small Business Administration. 

Tre takes pride in his minority owned business, the firm has witnessed exceptional growth within 2 years compared to other real estate groups. Durr stated that it is necessary for the African- American community to use group economics if we want to get to the top. With 1.1 million in AUM (Assets Under Management), the firm is working to shape communities for the better. The standing question is, as a developer, how do you want the city to look? Durr stated that, “it's not about the money, it's about the impact you make in the community.” Affecting the community in a positive manner is a primary goal that the firm desires to uphold. While in school, Durr studied real estate, however, he was hesitant to become involved in the field.  Having experience as property developer however gave him the spark he needed to start Durr Capital Group. He holds true to his statement, everything comes down to execution.  

If you really want something, you have to bet on yourself.

— Treyvian Durr, CEO, Durr Capital Group 

Any successful business organization has a mastermind, for the Durr Capital Group there mastermind consist of: Mark Sanders, Dilibe Offiah, Raymond Gee, Austin Warren, and Aurion Taylor-Burks. Tre stated that his team is very diligent and they all bet on each other. Durr gives a special thanks to all the investors associated with the firm as well, however the teams attributes all of its success to God. The key to success is motivation, execution and never giving up.  Click here to learn more about the Durr Capital Group.

Surround yourself with like-minded individuals for where you wanna go.

— Mark Sanders, Chief of Staff, Durr Capital Group  

 Motivation video by Will Smith.


Endyia Jones