Lord of the Fees

Lord of the Fees

Sale Price:$322.00 Original Price:$997.00

Lord of The Fees; Estate Planning 101


  • Public v. Private

  • Title of Authority

  • Power of Attorney (Delegation of Authority)

  • Common Law Surety (Gold, Silver)

    • Establishing a common law surety for the estate

  • Bill of Sale

    • how to properly record property into your estate

  • Schedule A

  • Addendum

  • Fee schedules

  • Security Agreements

In this webinar you will learn how to effectively take control of your affairs and manage your estate while you are living. After you finish this program you will know what an estate is and how they are to be governed. We will go over on a step-by-step basis on how to erect your estate;get the estate ein; and record your personal property into estate, in the public domain but also in your own sovereign private capacity as well.

The second part of this estate planning class, you will learn about utilizing the schedule of fees to protect your rights and secure your title of nobility. Furthermore you will record your personal property ( papers, albums, real estate, etc.) from your person to your estate. You will also learn how to do the same process for close family members estate who are deceased (only for direct descendants: sons/daughters , fathers/mothers, and or /grandparents/grandchildren).

Finally you will learn the importance of surety-ship and how to utilize it properly.

These will be the basic key ingredients you will need to govern your own affairs and to avoid having to go to Probate Court and having to pay all those associated fees.

One must have there affairs in order before they make any financial decision. The key to nation building starts with consolidating your estate first.

Class Schedule

Session  1

Saturday, May 4th, 2024, 4-6pm

Introduction to Estate Planning, why it’s essential, and ways it can benefit you and your family’s wealth.

Case Studies of the Public and The Private Curtis Publishing Co v Butts

We will go over how to obtain the estate ein and all the tax documents you need to operate your estate in the public  domain .

Namely form W-9, 2848, Form 56, Notice of Surety. 

Session 2 

Saturday, May 11, 2024 , 4-6pm

Private Estate Documents 

In this session we will go over the the articles of organization for your estate, Allodial title, power of attorney, common law copyrights, and security agreements ie when you purchase stock.

Furthermore you will learn how to record assets from your individual person into the estate to limit your liability.

Session 3

Saturday, May 18th, 2024, 4-6 pm

The Schedule of Fees

Here you will learn how to excercise your right to record your estate public documents into the county registry of deed namely the bill of sale, title to trust/estate, and other important articles. This is the proper way to put the public on notice that your estate is in control of your private property.  Furthermore in this class session we will go over the schedule of fees and how to establish that for your estate.

Each student will be given homework and upon completion they will receive certification of completion. 

Session 4

May 25, 2024

Review Sessions

This will be a question and answer session for the homework assignment and for the curricula in general.

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