Wealth Over Riches

Wealth Over Riches


Authored by Will Thomas

Tired of Living Paycheck to Paycheck? Want to live your best life, debt free? Do you struggle with understanding how to build wealth? Wealth Over Riches is the perfect book for you,  Wealth Over Riches focuses on helping individuals understand how to build wealth by escaping the paycheck-to-paycheck lifestyle. Wealth Over Riches will help you understand how to open up cash flow and provide options on how to use that cash flow to pay off debt and eventually build your wealth. By purchasing and reading Wealth Over Riches, you are making one of the best investments into your wealth and life.  In this book, the author will share his own personal money management mistakes along with some mistakes and wins from his personal friends. He felt it was best to be vulnerable writing this book to allow the reader to connect with the content. There are tons of personal finance and money management books on the market, but few will connect with the reader, as Wealth Over Riches will. We will dive into the following topics:

  • Understanding why we spend money

  • How to architect a budget

  • Opening up cash flow

  • Eliminating debt techniques

  • Preparing for retirement

  • Securing your children’s future

  • Two type of home buyers

  • Blueprint to Wealth Over Riches

  • Author’s Personal Financial Goals

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