Leading Anthropologist and Egyptologist in the World Dr. Cheik Anta Diop
As a writer, researcher, poet, educator, astronomer, author, entrepreneur, scholar, historian, etc; I take reading very serious, I have to, because how can people take my literature serious if I do not research the topics in which I talk about? However just like Santiago in the Alchemist, I’ve been on a journey to discover the origin of our civilization, it intrigues me, especially with my native Lakota Roots, we have a history that’s tied to these lands that’s is very deep and extensive.
Since I wrote the Alarm Clock back in 2017, I have read many books on various subjects ranging from Economics, to Civics to History, etc.
Parents, it very important that we teach our children civics and nationality. Education is so critical and this topics are not emphasized as much as they should be in our community and that creates chaos. I know for a fact I never was taught civics especially in my community, however I’ve encountered the law plenty of times. Interesting fact, I gave a lecture, at my Alma Mater back in 2020 before the pandemic, to some Political Science Students, The topic was the Science of Political Science, surprisingly the students didn’t know the difference between a republic and a democracy. I cannot express how it important it is to know your rights as a human , and the government job is to protect the rights of the people, the power is in the people !!!!! I’m writing this article to hopefully inspire you to do you own research on our rich rich history, if I can do it you can do it, trust.
Currently, I just finished The Story of the Moors in Spain which was written in 1886 by Stanley Lane Poole— all scholars should have this book on their book shelf, for it talks about our history as we rose and fell on the Iberian Peninsula (Spain), from 711AD until 1492 AD when Granada, the last strong hold of the Moors, turned power over to Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand.
“This girl in Granada say we should go get married, broke the meaning down of the Virgin Mary.”
This was the time period of when the Spanish Conquistadors (Christians under the Pope of Rome), began to discover their “New World” and was able to finance their voyages to the Americas now that they conquered Spain. Again it’s important to understand that Spainyards was not conquering our strongholds because of racism but more so capitalism. Think in terms of GDP (Gross Domestic Product) which is essentially a balance sheet for a particular country and when you combine them together that’s called aggregate GDP. So when the Spanish took control all of Spain from Toledo, to Grenada, which is where the term Tariff was created,( named after the Moorish General Tarik who also held title of governor of Mauritania which is in West Africa), whenever you have control of GDP you have a lot of political power.
In Dr. Ivan Sertima’s book They Came Before Columbus, which is an incredible read I most add, he goes in depth about what really went down with Columbus when he discovered “the new world” which he later explains in the novel that the New world actually wasn’t new and had civilizations and trade routes on the Atlantic for a very long time, hence the title. Columbus brought back many rich artifacts from The South Seas (the Caribbean) to King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella and this intrigued more voyages. Definitely a recommended read. Interesting fact, Dr. Ivan Van Sertima was born on my birthday the same year my grandmother was born, 1935.
Another profound scholar who’ve I’ve been studying, that I must mention before I share with you my study notes for Dr. Cheik Anta Diop’s legendary work Civilizations or Barbarism, is Joel Augustus (J.A.) Rogers. J A Rogers published his first novel, 100 years before I released the Alarm Clock, in the year 1917, As nature Leads. Rogers most classical piece however, Nature Knows No Color Line , which was published 33 years later in 1950. Nature Knows No Color Line breaks the history of race mixing in Egypt during the 25th dynasty, Europe, Italy, Spain, etc. and it was not until 1512 that Europeans made contact with the Moors who where in Florida which became their key’ to the new world. See p. 191 Nature Knows No Color Line. “ Negro Ancestry in White America”. Roger makes the point that prejudice only exist in America because the Nationals of land were a pure breed and they were the only people here when the Europeans came here to colonize their lands.
I began researching Dr. Cheik Ante Diop back in 2018 when I first got the Alarm Clock in the store at the Kemetic Science Institute in Charlotte, North Carolina. In fact I think I even bartered my book for Dr. Diop. We must get back to a well balanced barter system but I will touch more on that topic at later time. Huge shoutout to my people at Kemetic Science, if you are ever in Charlotte, please go check them out.
Fast forward to 2019, I had the urge to check out Dr. Diop’s most known project, Civilizations or Barbarisms, ironically I found out that same day that both of my books where officially in the library, downtown Winston-Salem and at 7 other libraries in the city, very humbling to say the least. This was the Fifth Street Library. At the time I was living in East Winston, the Harlem of the Tre, oh how I love East side of my city. At the time I was not on wheels, and I would catch the bus from Old Greensboro Rd “OGB”, bus 94’, to central station on 5th and main and would walk to the library from there. I would go to that library quite often, again I am a scholar and scholars live in the library. More important, I am a human who lost his mother at an early age; My moms used to take me to to that library when I was a kid, I even got to witness the Director of the Forsyth County, Mrs. Sylvia Halim, who was a loyal friend of my moms, retire after 40 years of dedication in 2020, so it was more than just a seek for knowledge that led me to there. I am honored to leave my legacy at that library, in fact this is the grandest thing I could have done for my madre, for my books are her books.
Moving right along. Dr. Diop was from Senegal, West Africa, therefore he spoke French and his books had to be translated into English, so that people like myself can comprehend here in the states, because I speak English which is to our language because it derives from Moorish Latin, Creole and Ancient Phoenician.
Please do your own research but think critically— if we are in North America how is it that all the people on the land speak the same dialect, so why is it called English?
Diop’s books are not written on an elementary level, you actually have to take the time to diligently break down the book, word for word— it would probably take at least one month to get through each chapter. I attempted to break down the whole book however I was preparing to be a first time dad and get my family out the hood at the same time so I put a pause on my research (on that specific book).
“ To make it out the trenches, you gone need devotion.” Dave East
When I started however, I didn’t start at chapter one, I started with Chapter Seventeen: Does an African Philosophy Exist? What I consciously decided to do was to break the book down as if I was writing a curriculum for a college class. So I began with key terms, because as you will see they are not terms that we use on a daily basis, and I also broke down Key Concepts that I wasn’t familiar with.
Within these last few weeks, ( circa August 1-20, 2021) I found my notes on Chapter 17 in my closet, which now it’s been nearly two years since I last worked on it. I figured a could make it an article, why not? My stream of consciousness for writing this particular article is to bring our culture back to literature. Books to me are like TV Series, when you really get in tuned with the text you can see the motion picture and that’s how I like to construct my novels and these articles too, for that matter; no pictures but you still see visuals, its a hidden language, “arts”. It’s very essential for the people to receive this information so we do not forget the works of profound scholars such as Dr. Diop, the problem is education is not apart of our culture like how it used to be, especially not in my community but that will change as we enter the age of Aquarius, I am certain. There so much healing in studying I might add, especially when you are dealing with trauma, reading brings a peace of mind and prevents us from falling into the traps who’s mission is to keep us mentally, physically, emotionally, and intellectually drained. When you learn of history of the human race, it makes you more aware of how much you don’t know, and it could change your whole life.
Professor Diop, to me, is very important because he dedicated his life to researching and piecing together analytical data of the origin of human existence, this is so critical because there are kids today who don’t even know their grandparents and who believe our history started within us picking cotton for a slave master, failing to realize that we were the original masters and that these are our cotton fields and by the way we have more crops that just cotton, again this is why they wanted our lands.
Before I share my notes with you, I would like to leave with this: take an initiative to study your roots and to seek the truth, your intuitions will not connect with nothing outside of you, when we were conquered in Spain, the Christians burnt all of our books (see the Moors in Spain) however they could not burn what was written in stone since the most ancient of times and most certainly what is written in the sky. I strongly urge you to indoctrinate education into your households, your relationships, your social groups, etc. Try to read one book every quarter. Time is always on your side unless you side against it.
Dr. Cheik Anta Diop
Cheik Anta Diop was born in Tiahitou, Senegal on December 29, 1923. At the age of 23 he went to Paris, France to continue advanced studies in physics. Professor Diop would eventually become an anthropologist, physicist, and politician who studied the origin of the human race and pre-coloninal Africa.
In 1966, the First World Black Festival, held in Dakar, Senegal, honored Dr. Diop along with Dr. W.E.B Dubious as scholars who exhorted the greatest influence on human thought in the 20th century. Diop had a radio carbon laboratory at fundament Institute of Africans, in Senegal.
Diop’s theory
Humans originate from Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania all the way southern parts of Africa and that the peoples near equator couldn’t survive without pigmentation or melanin from the sun, therefore he states that it was clear first man had to be a black man (dark brown). As they left to other parts of the world that had different climatic regions when those people changed and took on different body features and colors. Diop also explains how Nature created six specimens of humans before we got to human as we know today.
”According to Scientific information that we have, the first species never acquired potential to expand, leave, or export their own area in Africa, the other 3 did leave, 5th disappeared, what remains is man as we know.” -Dr. Diop
“Head structure was different for 5th species, therefore brain was different, major differences between homo sapein sapein (the human species which exist today).”
Dr. Diop explains that 40,000 years ago humans left Africa and went to Europe. The Climate was different and way colder than it is now, so they began to lose their pigmentation. After 20,000 years of adoration they adapted to this new climate and they lost their pigment. If humans did not leave Africa, we would not have lost our pigmentation. Therefore the Moabities (Zuudiakus) women gave birth to the human races of the world, one source for mankind. The etymology of the word Matrix literately means womb.
“My awareness like Keanu in The Matrix” -Mrs. Lauryn Hill
With all that being said you can now get a clear depiction of the ideals of Dr. Diop and what he was seeking to accomplish, so let’s take a look at some of his work, Chapter 17 from Civilizations or Barbarism, Does an African Philosophy Exist? As I share with you the key terms and key concepts from that chapter, mind you I did not get through the full chapter but I did cross reference.
Chapter 17: Does an African Philosophy Exist ? Key Terms & Concepts
Research done by Darrell Q. Slade
Egyptian Cosmogony
Philosophical Thought: 1. Must be conscious of it’s own existence as a thought; Must have accomplished to a sufficient degree of myth from concept.
Egyptian Cosmogony: A Branch of science that deals with the origins of the universe; In 2600 BC, according to the Pyramid Text, there was an epoch in Egyptian Cosmogony, this time period was before the Greek civilizations, and also before the Chinese, and Hindu philosophies, etc.
The Three Great Systems
Three great systems of thought that referenced the origin of the universe and all that is are as follows:
Heliopolitan System
The Memphite System
The Theben System
Here are some of the laws and principles from the great systems
The law of transformation: The principle of evolution through time; Khepra - (see Spiritual Warriors are Healers Mfundishi Jhutyms Ka N Heru Salim p. 64)
Nun: personifying the primeval waters out of which emerged the creator. (see Spiritual Warriors are Healers Mfundishi Jhutyms Ka N Heru Salim p. 83)
Ra: light and victory of protection and immeasurable power.
Heliopolitan Cosmogony
Ra created four pairs- listed below
Shu & Tefnut = Air & humidity
Geb & Nut = Earth & Heaven
Isis & Osiris = The fertile human couple that will beget humanity (Adam & Eve) Reference Spiritual warriors are Healers, look up the Kemetic Translation. [Asr pg 35 & Ast pg 38]
Seth and Nephthys: The sterile couple that will introduce evil into human history, there is no notion of original sin here, evil is introduced by men and not women.
In the first two pairs are found the four elements that make up the universe of the Pre-Socratic era.
“The compass is in the sky. “
What do we take from this? The law of transformation, proves that we always was and always will be, and philosophical thought, indicates that we can create our own realities. Our ancestors knew who they were, their dynasties left behind ruins all over the world, however the temples within our mind, cannot be ruined unless we allow it to. We have all this ancient wisdom within our dna, I cannot explain how I wrote four plus books within the last four years.
“There Never was a time when man was not.” Noble Drew Ali
JAY Z released 4:44 literately the day after I got “released” from my internship. This was perfect timing because the message in that album is so advanced that it influenced books to be written. Ironically the book name was the Wake Up Call, which breaks the whole whole 444 album similar to what I was attempting to do with Dr. Diop book, if you can get the point. I remember it coming out around November of that year right before I released the Alarm Clock in December. 444 influenced the last lap for my beloved novel, I had been working on it for two complete years prior to its release. I never went to writing school, this shit is just in my dna, again, this is my point. I could’ve left that building in Columbus, Ohio that day and went to another job, or I could’ve turned to the streets, easily, cause they was calling, but my mind was on something way bigger. I ain’t let nothing define me, and I ain’t even have any of this knowledge, me during this research is just affirmations, if we are being honest.
“22 I got to see Hov in concert. This was my first concerts and probably one of the illest vibes I had all year. At the time I was working the night shift. I had to be at work at 3am the next morning. But i didn’t care, I had to go. That concert was like an escape from the world. It was like a royal rumble in there, the whole arena was electrified with everyone singing along to his lyrics. One of the things Hov mentioned was that ‘we as a culture aren’t second class citizens to anyone and that we need to pool our resources together and grow.”
“Staying out late bringing profit home.” Yo Gotti
When I got off world the morning after the concert the sun had not rose yet and something led me to go outside. When you go outside before dawn, you can see the heavens, for it’s the darkest hour. As soon as I went out side and looked up at the sky, I saw a shooting star. Later that morning, I was led to go outside again, and I was posted up, You Know How we Do. About five minutes later, the UPS truck pulled up. I was on the phone with my brother, “is that box for Darrell Slade?” he was like yeah it is. I already knew what it was. The stars shipped my Alarm Clocks to me for the first time. So technically my first investment was them 444 tickets. I would not have wanted it to be any other way.
“Everyday a star is born.” JAYZ
I’ll close with this, the creator birthed the highest rank of greatness in you; Would not a mother expect anything less for her child? It is an honor that I was able to share my research with you. My brothers and sisters, we must realize who we are. This is No More Suits, a modern publishing company who uses ancient philosophies, mark my words, 4’ it was written in 4’ years. You’ve written 4 more? And the fouth a hardback case wrapped in black, keep it a stack, I ain’t black but my books is, and I ain’t sick but my hooks is. Nature Knows Color, what goes around comes around. We are the ancient Moabites who built this nation. We’ve been philosophers, writers, scholars, astronomers, poets, builders, kings, generals, business owners, creators, ect. Don’t let anyone take that from you, you define yourself, insallah. With all that said my fourth book, علم التوزيع, will release Oc.12, 2021. Peace.
Rogers, JA, Nature Knows No Color Line, Connecticut ,1969
Jones, CA, 1975 A Tale of Two Cities, Louisville, KY, 2021
Rogers, JA, As Nature Leads, 1917
Lane Poole, Stanley, The Story of the Moors in Spain, 1886
Slade, Darrell Q, علم التوزيع, Chattanooga, TN, 2021
Slade, Darrell Q, The Alarm Clock, Charlotte 2017