Reelstrm, Norfside Tre4 Artist, drops Official Bigger Picture Video on the first Day Ramadan 2025.
1 March 2025
Wachovia | Developing story
“Gon Put your Faith in Allah and Get Your Mind Right”
Ramadan Mubarak!
Reelstrm, Artist from the Norfside of Wachovia commonly referred to as the Tre Fo, Reelesed the official video fo his lastest single ‘Bigger Picture’ on 1 March 2025, the first day of Ramadan, Allahuakbar. Produced by @innoxbeatsand filmed by @boshnovart.
I got to speak with Reelstrm a few months ago, with us being from the same territory and same side of town, I asked what does it mean to represent the Norfside in your music and he told me that being from here molded him. For him it started in High School, at 14 years old he began recording music on his Xbox. His original music videos he told me was the Xbox camera. His first mixtape called Diamond in the Rough was engineered off his Xbox as well.
Reelstrm says that within the Hip Hop Genre his music is in the Dirty South Column but also Alternative, So therefore Dirty South Experimental is what he declared in our exclusive innerview. ‘I can go from Outkast to Kanye.’
Reelstrm says his music journey is through Gematria ‘everything by the dates’ everything lines up.’ Therefore for his music video to Relese on the first day of Ramadan, only Allah could aligned it that way.
“When you look at my nickname ‘Qvan’ with a spiritual eye, dat shit reely like the Quran.”
Two other notable indigenous Tre 4 artist @tiacorine and #FreeBigHit both Reelesed new Music this past Friday; Big Hit released an Album called Free Big Hit with features from Musiq Soulchild, Ty Dolla $ign, Hitboy, Snoop Dogg et all; Tia released a single called ATE.
Latest Reeleses from Tre4 Artist
There’s currently a petition to help Get Big Hit Free. Click here to support the Tre 4 native return home to his family and tribe. May this give hope to all political prisoners who are being confined vi coactus by corrupt de facto governments. Free da real.
‘To actually be from this area it’s Great, North Carolina is producing a lot of artists at high rate!’ Reelstrm
Also in other 52 Norf (52 year of Hip Hop) news, The Marathon led by the legendary Nip Hussle’s brother, Blacc Sam had the ribbon cutting for the Marathon Burger in Crenshaw this day.
‘Unitas’ The old name for the city of Winston-Salem
Pay attention to the map northwest of Unitas where it has modern day Pilot Mountain labeled as Mount Ararat and or the Stonehead, if you ever Hajj around it peek you will see the ancient heads facing each direction. This is the territory of the artist named herein including myself, we take pride in our homelands and our crafts. ‘From Peter’s Creek.’
“He Remembered the rich and well-watered ancestral estates had been given the name Wachau from ‘wach’ a streem and ‘aue’, a meadow. Hence he said let us give a fitting name to our ‘new’ possessions and renew the ‘Old Title; ”
When you look into the etymology of Unitas, its a Latin term that meaning “of or relating to a unit or unity; oneness” we find examples of the Unitas Fraterum, the unity of brethren. Common scholars on the subject matter of the Unitas Fraterum state that this was a religious assembly of the Christian and one of the first Christian domination groups, founded in Bohemia, in honor of their predecessor Jon Hus who like the Joan Arc was burnt at the stake and other canonized saints who spoke out against Rome and their de facto codes that they were using to suppress the people. Within the history of the word it also applied to Muslims and other non- Christian monotheists; “one who rejects the doctrine of the Trinity and maintains the unipersonality of the Deity.1680s” With that said you see similar traits between the Unitas Fraterum what came the be the Moravian Church and Islam and the Followers of Mohammed peace be upon him. Hus’s followers were called Hussites and they spoke against Rome, see the book Called the Hussite wars. The issue with the Hussites is realistically the same issue we see in the Ukraine, they are a small state, as for the Hussites all the surrounding countries were apart of the Roman Empire, therefore they were forced to surrender. This is what later encouraged the Unitas Fraterum to form.
Here’s a modern day picture of the Mountain called Stonehead from the Peter’s Map 1749 if you pay close attention you will see the face structures its pinnacle. They look like that of Indian Chiefs.In the background you see the Suaratown mountains, does it not look like the pyramids in Giza? That where Sarah son’s from (Saracens). Photographed May of 2023.
“We Shall see that mankind began as a single family; that the family circle widened and widened until it broke into segments, and with that came the illusion that the segments were no longer apart of the circle. But thanks to mechanical progress and the spread of knowledge the segments are coming together again; and a single understanding family is once more being formed. Already among men of goodwill in many parts of the world this understanding, this sense of unity, exists.”
J.A. Rogers From The Foreword of Sex and Race Vol. 1 written August 1, 1952.
Here’s my theory what if Unitas Fraterum was name from the Unitas in the Carolinas? That would mean that the people would have had to be from here. Not saying that Hus wasn’t the spark moreso what if he himself was from Unitas. The map featuring Unitas labels what the people are calling commonly today Pilot Mountain, Mount Ararat or Stonehead. One top of that in the book The American Indian in North Carolina, it has evidence of artifacts in this region carbon dating tens of thousands of years. In Manly Hall’s Secret destiny of America, he elaborates on the fact that fraternities and secret societies long existed in the Americas. So what if Unitas was always here. We also know that this was the passage point in Yadkin, this is why within the Realms of Wachovia you also have Bethabara, which in Hebrew is ‘the House of Passage.” in Arabic the House of translate to Darul which is the proper way to pronounce my name in the masculine form, feminine est Darrel, which is the proper way to pronounce mi old earth name or title shall you. On the Great Wagon Road was always there long before the so called Moravians arrived around the year 1753, this was the Aboriginal navigation route from 76 to 81 to 77 down through the old fifty 52 through and through til you get to Sommersville, before Bridges modern Winston-Salem was the gateway to the south along these original routes. Therefore Unitas, geographically speaking always must have been a place of siginificance to the people who occupied these lands long before us. Frank Tursi says in his Winston-Salem a History states that during the time of Christ, we had civilization along the Yadkin, therefore their had to be culture, there had to be arts because there was people. Which is why this article is written. From the People By the People.
Coming from Soufside Winston
Reelstrm family is actually from the southside of the city, from Belleview to Morningside, Happy Hill Gardens, he told me in our innerview was where his people are originally from. Qvan as we called him growing up told me he moved to the Norfside when he was about 3 years old and has been here every since.
Only my mom and Imoved to the norfside, the rest of my family stayed on the south. They brought houses, there, that was they foundation.
Unitas means coming together be you Norf, East, West, or Souf uniting together across the land. I firmly believe that what was demonstrated for the boycott that occurred on 28 February 2025, that’s literary the culture of this article, Reelstrm is another great example of Unitas, number one he from the territory and two he migrated from the souf and into the norf. The master teacha KRS-One often reiterates that we don’t know that we are in history.
. This is in fact what occurred with union between Winston and Salem in 1913; Winston being the Norf; and Salem or Salaam the souf however this custom is ancient, a good book recommend is Mentchu Hotep and The Spirit of the Medjay by Mfundishi Jhutyms, this is a book about the re’unionification of northern and southern Kemet, I firmly trust that’s why the people who were in this territory before the Moravian came here in in 1753 called their town Unitas; that’s the like Dash in Winston-Salem and that’s where I stand boldly on the earth, that were life is in the dash.
““At the end of the day books always gon be around, that’s only information we have fr, if books disappear we f—‘d, if you have a book in your house, keep it, cuz that’s the only piece of knowledge, is writing.” @reelstrm who shared with me during our innerview that he has been working on a children’s book to publish a children’s book this year. He shared with me that that’s what separates him from other rappers, this thousands of rappers worldwide but how many rappers you know have children’s books in their category. This is the bigger picture, its bigger than rap.
This evening I took time off from working on this article, and went to witness and support my brudda @voniik play the lead role in the Fences film for its 40th year Anniversary this first day of March 2025 at the HanesBrand theatre. When I walked in Vonii who plays the role of Corey in the play, had a Jersey that said Unitas’. It’s ironic because just this past week 24 2 2025, I shared via ig the fact that this was the old name for this city that a lot of profound people come from like non other that the co Founder for the Black Theatre Festival the late a great Sylvia Sprinkle Hamlin, I know her and her Noble Larrry Leon Hamlin would be delighted to have Fences as apart of their legacy for the foundation they built in this, what we learn to find out, ancient city. Futhuremore, I’ve known Vonii for well over ten years now, and I know this is opportunity will be pinnacle for his acting career, I encourage everyone reading this to check this play out while it here. Again I have to give homage to the orignators of The Black Theater Festival and everyone who is apart who is keeping it alive in this city of arts and innovation.
The old map of the occupied territory (above) we call the Tre 4, Most town folke call it Winston-Salem but that’s a modern term. The Old name for this territory which spans nearly all of Forsyth County was called Wachovia or Wachaw to the indigenous tongue and means a land with strms and pastures, and the seat as you can see is Unitas. Most of the people of this area only know of Wachovia Bank, but just like my theory with The Unitas fraterum, the bank got its name from the Territory no different from Bank of America or the Bank of England. This why its important to look into the reel meaning of words because it always seems to root back home.
Vonii Bristow acting as Corey in the historical play, Fences, 1 March 2025 here you see him holding the Unitas Jersey. I highly reccomend if you are in this region to check out this play. Click here to purchase tickets. Vonii is known for his roles in BMF (2024), Making Him Famous (2023), Snowfall (2017) and David Makes Man (2019) and is a 2015 graduate of Winston-Salem State University.
We can learn ancient hisotry from modern events; with Nipsey Hussle whereas the root word in Hussle is Hus. Nipsey stood on principal so to better understand Jon Hus and Hussites you’ll have to understand Hussle and how the people stand behind him after his death, really when examine it its the principle of Christ, which another good book reference is the Christ of the Indian Road. S/o Blacc Sam, A$I.
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