Why do niggas be killing niggas? What it means to outwit the Devil in 2023.
The original Name for this article was “Is the Devil Black?” However I thought it would be ill to reference two books in one title that actually compliment each other well, Niggas 2 Gods Part 1 Why do niggas be killing niggas by Akil, and Outwiting the Devil by Napoleon Hill. The poetry come natural cuh.
“On the otha side of fear, is the world.”
- Darrell Q. Slade, Author
A few years, ago I was on a business trip, engaging in foreign commerce at some ports about fifty minutes nord New York City along the Hudson, this was March of 2020, right before Trump announced the State of Emergency, Covid was still a phenomenon during this time and I wasn’t buying it for nothing, I’m the type of hustler who came up on Reasonable Doubt. You know This Game Got Valley and Peaks?
At these warehouses, the people where in full space suits, covered head to toe, like it was a lab, never seen anything like it. That’s when I knew this was something serious. Now in the moment, my mind could have been consumed with fear, as it did for millions of other Americans and other nations world over. Yet in the midst of the storm, trucks where still being loaded, ships still entering the ports. Therefore there still was a river of opportunity. This really inspired me to keep going.
I had with me that day at the warehouse, that produced organic corn based chips, a copy of Think and Grow Rich. As the trucks was weighting to get loaded, I turned right to the pages where it talks about the fear of ill health. In it, it talks about an individual who got sick simply because some one told him that he was sick. Do you see how powerful words can be?
Fear rules the world. There’s a force field that wants you subscribe to what it’s producing, and we buy it every time without examining the labels. Perhaps that’s why America’s consumer rate is one the largest in the world. How could anyone outside of you judge how your life should be lived as if they wrote the rules? I’m guilty of this, a lot of us are, it’s easy to get thrown off track.
I survived one of the worst tornados to hit the Kentucky Commonwealth in 2021; I was doing research out their on our The Indigene People of the Ohio River Valley in December of that year, I was out there for a definite purpose. The storms on your voyage are only tests of your dedication, it’s meant to make you stronger, and wiser.
The news outlet made it seem like the world was coming to an end, people were on the phones calling loved ones, and the news was on 24/7, in fact the governor too called for a state of emergency, the maps, red hot, indicating to seek shelter immediately. In my honest opinion the media caused more damage than the actually storm because I was actually beginning to subscribe to the fear as well.
My tribe slept through the tornado peacefully, in fact some didn’t even realize one had hit until the next morning. Instead of embracing the fear that was being mass produced, I said a prayer and gave thanks to the winds because without it’s oxygen we would not be here. Now don’t get me wrong this tornado hit hard especially in Mayesvile and Bowling Green. Think about it, had I subscribed to the temptation of fear, that tornado could easy hit where I was at near the Magna Carta. Thoughts become things. Let go of the things you have no control over. Shoutout to everyone who is surviving be it an tornado, family trama, sickness/illness, anything the devil tries to throw in your way. After the tornado, the people of the Commonwealth kept going, they aint let it hinder em from moving forward, and its a lot we can learn from that alone.
”Neva let a hardtime humble us.” -Nipsey Hussle, Mogul
Click here to learn more about how, Kentuckians impacted directly by the tornado, are restoring their homes.
Wisdom comes from experience. For me I learned so much about my roots, my heritage, which I can trace back before 1492, in fact we where teaching Latin in 1215 and farming when the Magna Carta was be written in the house of Bourbon. Bourbon or Berber ?
Napoleon Hill is best known for the books he formulated from interviewing successful people from different walks of life, his books are formulas for pioneers who already walking their path towards greatness or as Napoleon Hill calls it, a definite Chief Aim, those are the people who became successful during the Great Depression, or later on during the Civil Rights Movement, such as Dr. Joe L. Dudley who said “Why would we sit in at their restaurant? We ought to be sitting in our own restaurants!”— Baba Joe as I call him, on the Greensboro Sit-ins; “We didn’t have time to sit in their establishments, we was busy selling our hair products to the people.”
During this time period there were a lot of aboriginals who did not subscribe to the propaganda of the Civil Rights Movement in fact there was plenty of Aboriginals who opposed integration for the simple fact that we had all we needed, farming, education, governmental structures, businesses etc. This is why Dr. Dudley is powerful because he thrived at such an inopportune time period . If you would like the Thesis Report called CHALLENGING THE SOUTH’S BLACK-WHITE BINARY: HALIWA-SAPONI INDIANS AND POLITICAL AUTONOMY By Marvin M. Richardson in 2013 at Chapel Hill email us at nomoresuitsllc@gmail.com and we will be eager to send you a copy. These discuss very important topics pertaining to the view of the indigene during this era, homage to my tribe and my people for surviving this storm collectively as one. If I may? Still I Rise.
Darrell & Maya
If Maya Angelou was living, I would say unto her
Mama Maya, did you know they named Shalom Lake Marianna? Anna is the mother of Mari, Mama— who gave birth to Christ. And them streams flow like yo vocal cords. And trees don’t die they grow towards the sky so know we know why the caged bird sung, cuz the Marathon just begun.
Al homage to Dr. Maya Angelou of West Shalom.
100 Amazing Facts About The Negro, Ja Rogers Fact No. 48 in quo
In the Bible, God, or of the ancient days, is describe as having “hair like pure wool.” The earliest statues of the Virgin Mari and Christ in Europe as far north as Russia, were black that is Negroid.
This Article continues 🏁
This thesis was submitted to the faculty of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Masters in the Department of History.
Chapel Hill, 2013 anno domini. Again we have it, email us, for a copy nomoresuitsllc@gmail.com
Approved by, Malinda Maynor Lowery Daniel M. Cobb William Fitzhugh.
A book I recommend people read is Winston-Salem a History by Frank Tursi. I’ve been studying North Carolina since the 4th Grade me teacher see she from Kenya and she wanted ta know muur but Carolinæ so we had to present on the nation Dee birth therefore liketh Drusilla sayeth ‘Teachas dem not made dem nagas born!” Reference the introduction to Wonderful Ethiopians Drusilla Dunjee Houston, Book II. So you see…
This book does a great job of painting the picture of how the production of tobacco created a whole industry for the city Winston-Salem up until Civil Rights Era. Now majority of the employees of RJR where aboriginals who was struck the hardest after The Great Depression.
Another book I recommend is Paths Towards Freedom Paths Toward Freedom (A Biographical History of Blacks and Indians in North Carolina by Blacks and Indians published at North Carolina State University Center for Urban Affairs in 1976 discusses how many of the Aboriginal Indians began to adopt the white mans way of life as opposed to their ancient traditions.
Here in this exclusive interview by High Yield Productions Ibn Da’Ræl discuss about the original tribes of the 7 nations live @ The Sylvia Hamlin Library on West fifth Street in Winston- Salem on January 7th, 2023
In the article we did on Silver Hill an old healing village in Old Shalom we learned that during the Great Depression many of the aboriginals in the newly formed city where displaced from their homes because of all of the propaganda that was going on across the country. In other words the healing village became the hospital. Whereas in the 1900s I would’ve been born in a barn with a doula which is symbolic of Hapsetsut, you know the cow? Nowadays we are born on ships with big bright lights.
In 1954, scientist began linking smoking cigarettes, to lung cancer. Reference Winston-Salem A History .
In Outwitting the Devil, the Devil Constantly reiterates that cigarettes was his favorite tool to get people caught in his hypnotic rhythm.
One day as I was walking on the soils of the greats who came before me, around the Church called Phillip on the south eastern corner where they blocked off our Main Street and Shalom avenue at that loop up until you get to “first” street; they call that area Old Shalom however it was way larger, it may have stretch to the deserts on the Otha side of the great river y’all call Mississippi; And all of my ancestors buried neath that there church; My brethren from Saxony, them followers of Jon Hus, the “Moravians”. Now David Macrichtie says on page 51 in his Ancient and Modern Brits Vol 1that the Moravians where Moors, The Picts. I encourage you to subscribe to The Sabir Bey Radio to learn muur about these topics.
Back err behind that church I came across the General Orders number 32, April 28th, 1865 by Major General John M. Schofield, Army of the Ohio. That was Read by Rev. Seth G. Clark at that their church then Saint Phillips Moravian Church, to his congregation on May 21, 1865. The point of emphasis here is that these here members was muurs. However this address was for any citizen be they black or white people, remember the empire of the Moors fell in 1492 at Grenada. This the city’s first time was their first time they hear of the Proclamation in Shalom which then was the name of our city.
In this Order, General Schofield reccomended that “The former masters of the freed men to employ them as hired servants at reasonable wages; As for the freedmen When allowed to do so, they remain with their former masters and labor faithfully so long as they shall be treated kindly and paid reasonable wages; or that they seek employment elsewhere in the kind of work to which they are accustomed. It is not well for them congregate about the towns or military camps. They will not be supported by idleness.”
The North Carolina American Republic fell on July 1st, 1868 to The United States Army. In the 100 amazing Facts about the Negro, Ja Rogers mentions that the United States Army would not have been successful had it not been for the Negro who joined the Union in masses, escpecially after the War of 1812.
Is it not a coincidence that RJ Reynolds began to prosper after right after this? Over the next years, R.J Reynolds created job opportunities for the former indentured servants.
Slave is was actually a term for white people as stated by JA Rogers Africa’s gift to America on page 46, it comes from Slav, says Rogers, a blond, blue eyed people, captured by the Germans reduced to servitude. The earlier name for those held in bondage was “serf” from Latin “servus.” In 1861 in Russia 40,000,000 of her serfs or slaves were freed, that is four years before the American Negro. Typically when we think of slavery we correlate that to Black History but again this is hypnotic cycle. In the interview with the devil, the devil clearly does not discriminate, because he himself doesnt exist in human form but he control 98% human minds. However as Ja Rogers includes in this message them Abba’riginals they wasn’t buying them wooden nickels as my granny would say.
J. G, Jackson in 1809 said that “The moors carry Christian captives about the desert to different markets to sell them for they soon discover that their habits of life render them unservicable or very inferior to the black slaves from Timbuktu. Mulai Ismael en emperor of Morocoo, full blood Negro, had 10,000 white slaves to build his stables at Meknes. As late of 1810 , Eurocentric peoples were captured and turned on the high seas and sold at the great Great Slave Port of Salee, Morocoo. (Africa’s Gift to Americ pg 48-49).
A 15th Century Conception of Africa with white people held as slaves. “Dapper’s Naukenrige Beschryvinge der Afrikaensche.”
The common phrase what goes around comes around. The enslavement of African’s says Rogers did not start as a racial issue. To build the new world it required the labor of any human who had the capability to get the work done. However as it was stated in those orders from General Orders number 32, ‘to seek employment elsewhere in the kind of work to which they are accustomed.’
In Shalom, Moors have been cultivating tobacco for a very long time. In fact in multiple history books it talks about how RJ Reynolds received the golden leaf tobacco from the Slades of Caswell County. Abisha Slade is who is accredited for the discovery of the Gold Leaf, the story various from different sources however one the the field workers on the Abisha’s tobacco farm Name Stephen Slade is said to have discovered the formula by mere accident. That small accident shifted the economy for the Carolina’s and changed the game for the tobacco industry. Tons of these gold leafs was purchased by RJ Reynolds; from when he came to town along throughout their major buyout in 1987 this Tobacco was distributed from Caswell County to Winston-Salem . Had it not been for these aboriginals, and the labor of negros from Africa who in fact have be here before Columbus, RJ Reynolds would not have prospered the way it did in the early 1900s.
Tursi says in Winston-Salem a History that Eli and Elisha Slade perfected the system for the Gold Leaf in their fields out in Caswell County. This technology enhancement by open fire tobacco houses like the ones pictured below, which in turned created a thin, milder tasting leaf.
September 6, 1856: The Beginning of Brightleaf Tobacco in NC
At my Alma Mater which is the Shalom Academy Proper of 1892 [ now Winston-Salem State University] a teachers college for negroes to become proudfound teachers throughout the community. Our motto enter to learn depart to serve not to slave, it’s a difference. Slavery is against your will but a servant is ordained. The servants of the spirit are the children Hashalawah! the branches of David.
“Intrare discere, Discedat discere” -Motto deShalom Academy
In the library at my Alma mata you will find higher court records for The providence Carolinæ going as far back as 1535. In 1670 Henry Slade was who y’all would call “Rj Reynolds.” of his time. And he recorded the Slade Family Tree up er near Hyde County in 1655. In Hyde County there is a Ville and a Creek name after the Slades. On these higher courts records In 1670 there are bills of debt for John Slade , for 40,000 pounds of tobacco, then Tobacco was the currency, . I can tell is was nagas cause how Henry the indorsor wrote yeah I’m ship at Bakko out under these condishons.
That err tells me to things one that’s sound like my cousin; two commerce has always been at the forefront. Study Cusha Dwipa the original department of commerce from the ancient times, there’s nothing new under the sun. It only makes sense for the the Carolinians to have been cultivating tobacco for a very long time, but not just that we also was mining silver, copper, Jerusalem artichokes, cotton, gold, water, etc ; all for the general purposes of commerce.
Silly kid trix for kids but we adults now, trees grow up not down.
Ja Rogers said the Europeans were unserviceable; they don’t have the same relationship with the land or yield her crops as the aboriginals do in harmony with the cosmic realms. Who else gon cook like big mama? Again homes it’s not personal, some people are working to escape the bs they deal with at home, you gotta love them from as you love yo self. I hope this article is healing cause this the only way I know how to heal by reading and articulating these formulas.
Pictured below are Moors braiding tobacco in the Tobacco Factories in Shalom (Winston-Salem, North Carolina) in the early 1900s. Referenced from Winston-Salem A History. My grandmother Dottie Louise Jordan born 1935 in the House De Bourbon near Middleto and her main man Jack of Belews Creek born 1941, met in this culture in these same bakko plants in they early 80: and from that created a whole lot of love for the whole family. Grab 1975 A Tale of Two Cities by Carlos Waterhead Jones.
Back in the day we survived off the land so therefore we served big mama’s land with honor.
The tobacco that was coming out of the city of Winston-Salem was going all over the world, especially with the New Introduced Gold Leaf Tobacco. a lot of Americans where coming into the city. Tursi in Winston-Salem a history say that it was the largest industrial city south of Richmond and east of the Mississippi. “It Produced seven times more than any other city in the Carolinas.” In 1937 the city had 97 factories producing $349 Million in products. Ten years later 250 factories 1 Billion in goods.
“Being honest, killing mamas when we sold work“ - Nipsey Hussle
You really have to bring out the Libra scales to balance if RJ Reynolds was part of the solution or part of the problem. The devil says that he thinks for the people who doesn’t think for themselves. Anyone could’ve started a business during this era, if tobacco was growing, surely mulleins grew too. Mulleins actually purifies your respiratory system. For every disadvantage is an equally seed of Advantage.
However reasoning with the common people, most of our people who worked in those factories, would have to work up to 100 hrs a week, because they was supplying the world with these cancer sticks . My grandparents worked in the tobacco factories in Winston-Salem, my father actually worked in the tobacco fields of Brown Summit when he was a boy, his father was long time time employee of Moses Cone A Cotton Mill in Greensboro, but he was also a land owner. Jack, who I dedicated The Alarm Clock to, worked at the Brown and Williamson on 6th and Chestnut, with my granny, along the railroad tracks, now The Gallery Lofts, they would tell me how we would bring home cartons of cigarettes from work.
I was directly impacted by cigarettes growing up in the city of its port of origin. When I lost my moms, when I was fourteen, I thought them Newports would numb me, and it did, so I continued to get a pack every chance I could. At that age you can’t tell a young king nothing, for me I felt grown, I had my right to my moms raised me, and she left me here with no how to manuals, but again life is about the experience.
For the devil his business operations were running perfectly. He was getting people to join his union and to depend on his job opportunities, and have the same people produce the products that will keep the masses subscribed to this hypnotic rhythm, if he could occupy their time then they would have no time to think for themself. Eventually the people who allegedly were set free by Abraham Lincoln, began to get frustrated with how their employers who their official recommend they get employment from, they old masters.
“They had helped build the city, but most couldn’t vote, none could hold public office. They had to sit unseen in the balcony or in the back of the bus. Most restaurants wouldn’t serve them; most hotels wouldn’t let them in. It was a time of segregation and stereotypes, when a man couldn’t drink from a water fountain because the color of his skin.” Frank Tursi on the American Negro post slavery.
100 Amazing Facts About The Negro With Complete Proof, Fact No. 47 pg 17.
The Devil Which is now Depicted as Black, was once portrayed as White. When the black man dominated the planet, he painted forces of evil, white. When whites came into power they shifted colors. But as late as 1500 the Ethiopians still depict their gods and heroes black, and their devils and villians, white.
April 27th 1947 Thousands of Negros workers crowded onto the grounds of Woodland Avenue School to call for a strike against R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company.
“ By 1960, Reynolds employed one out of every five of the cities workers. It had done well during the war and the decade of prosperity that followed. But with the sweet smell of tobacco hanging over the city came a hint of trouble.” Frank Tursi, Winston-Salem a History page 264.
I joined Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity in undergrad because I was intrigued with how the founders came together to form this profound mastermind at Cornell University in 1906. At that time Negros had to be off campus by 7 in the evening. They had no choice but to come together, imagine if they didn’t? Despite this obstacle these brethren came across the house of Annie create a nu way, an international fraternity that has survived over 116 years.
The point I want to make here is that this one of many examples of how are people came together to create something that could out live them, a trust if you will. However anytime there’s a divide there’s room for someone to conquer. What caused this division of our people?
The Fall of an Empire
In the 1960s due to population growth in the city of Winston-Salem more than 600 acres of houses were razed, and 4,000 families were moved from their homes, some into federal housing projects. Areas such as East Winston, Happy Hill, and Kimberly Park were redeveloped with little regard for the stable, even prosperous, housing areas in those neighborhoods. Time and space is everything, imagine being on an estate which over 100 acres of land to being confined on a 800 sq ft apartment unit with no resources to build an economy the only thing your left to give is your labor furthure more to have major highways and roads cut through your old villages. What once was peace now is chaos.
Speaking from experience, in my hood there are little to no healthy food options, whereas back in the day we had farmers markets perhaps on every corner. The sides of town that is heavily populated with “Blacks” now have Churches Chickens, Chinese Restaurants, BBQ Shacks, Mcdonald’s, etc. Nothing that nutrient based. You are what you eat. In the mid to high class communities you have Cavas, Chopts, and Plant Based Kitchens like the Village Juice Co. Now What’s interesting is that where the latter is used to be the old Black District: Ardmor, Alta Vista, the West Highlands etc. And in East Winston which is where my family has lived since the late 70s, was at one point heavily populated by “Whites.” However over time began it’s almost like began roles to reserved; the negro who once very wealthy became poor and the white man who was once poor became very rich by using the philosophies of the Moors. What goes around comes around.
In The Book the Scotch-Irish it talks about the Time period of King James I of England; At that time Scotland which was poor in natural resources, was a feudal system ruled by violence with no authority. In fact at the time they had a whole county that was operating under a feudal system, which in laments terms meant mob rules.
The British Royals where dumping their subjects in to the Americas. And this interrupted the flow of commerce for the New World Order. Here’s what Benjamin Franklin had to say about it, referenced from Africas Gift to America, Rogers, Joel A.
In 1753, Benjamin Franklin complained that English and German Jails were being emptied in America. He wrote the London Chronicle in 1769 “ Their emptying their jails in our settlements is an insult and a contempt, the cruelest that one people offered to another.” He threatened to send King George a cargo of Rattlesnakes in return. J.A. Rogers, Africas Gift To America, pg. 32.
There is a clear correlation between poverty and to crime and violence. The media chauffeurs this madness, with their headlines, and through the influence in the music, etc. yet through it all, people are still prospering and praises Jesus on Sunday. Glory be to the Most High.
In the year 2023 there have been 13 murders as of this date February 28th 2023 in Winston-Salem, two of which, non-related, occurred on the same street. The real question is what is on the mind of the murderer, who pulls the trigger right before they perform their acts. Is it similar to politician who approves to get a non healthy fast food restaurant in their ward populated with a community who is seeking to heal their mind body and soul? What the health?
These are common topics discussed in the interview Napoleon Hill had with the Devil in 1938. Again in this interview, The devil, who is symbolic of Negative Energy, reveals how he controls 98 percent of human’s minds. Whether or not it’s true, what you can do is ask yourself who thinks for you when your not thinking for yourself ? I am sure this is why Napoleon Hill had this interview, in my tribe we call this shadow work. We all have a devil who is on the inside of our own minds, that yields us from whatever it is ye called to be, we must address that devil as did Napoleon Hill with courage and redirect that negative energy towards something greater. Oftentimes than not, that devil is not as big as we think. On the other side of fear is the world.
“We all are creators, but for some reason we have faith in the negative instead of the positive which is the biggest distinguishing factors on which one of your thoughts become real.”- Nipsey Hussle
For me success is creating this commercial outlet for these books to be sold internationally; that they can create dialogue amongst families, colleagues, tribes, masterminds, bookclubs, and other organizations, etc world over. Books saves lives, books make you think, books, is how you outsmart people, it’s chess not checkers. Queen street Always gon be in Ardmore. I told my instagram family we gotta heal instead of kill. Word to Akil. That’s Niggas 2 Gods Part One by the way, Errbody should get at. I recommend Medu Book Store in Atlanta call them (404)346-3263, order online, buy my books from them over the phone too, right now we just have the Alarm Clock on their shelf but the point Im making here buy from your own tribe. Another Good bookstore is the Underground bookstore in Chicago (773)768-8898, this where I received Africa’s Gift to America.
As an author who is living in this third decade of the 21st century, it is an honor to read, and distribute books from authors long before my time. I would want my books to serve the same purpose in the next hundreds of years, for the next merchant of books who has a vision and dedication. A books life can last 1000s of years, We must keep the message going, most importantly we have to evolve out of poverty mindset, individually as one.
Poverty was never ordained for Da real, we have a higher calling this earth as humans. You have to innerstand that asking people to come together whose purposes isn’t aligned, is like asking water and oil to come together, it’s not realistic. However, though oil and water have different individual properties they share common principals all of which is needed for the collective gud. This is a more realistic solution for people, it starts on your own mind first. You have to know what you want out of life and what is you don’t want. I speak more on this subject in chapter 4 of my book, The Alarm Clock, entitled The Promised Land. In order to know where you are going you have to have a destination to give you a since of direction, that will guide your steps as you walk by faith towards your definite Chief Aim in Life. Call out what it is that your heart desires, you are 5 minutes from gold.
In closing, I think it was genius for Napoleon Hill to interview the Devil, it was no different from any of his other interviews, be it with Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford, Thomas Edison. I’m not sure if Napoleon Hill interviewed RJ Reynolds but I’m sure that conservation would have been very similar to his interview with the devil especially with him mentioning the use of cigarettes to control the masses.
What’s important to innerstand is that everything in the universe, operates off of common principles. This principals the Cushites taught the Egyptians; the Egyptians taught the Greeks; the Greeks taught the Romans, even the Muurs to the Europeans all of this come from one source, one Rivus of knowledge from the Milky Way that Aquarius is pouring out pun ye heads. The devil himself in this interview, admits to using these common principles. You can purchase the original text from 1938 for Outwiting the Devil and other Novels by Napoleon Hill at our online bookstore.
Thanks for reading.
To Closeout Black History Month for the year 2023 No More Suits Highlights Charles R. Drew, a moor who went Dunbar High School out who discover the plasma in the blood and a master of blood transfusions. The naga has his own postage stamp 35 cent which is a lot moor money than you think. Pictured Below. Thanks for coming to our online museum.
“They know nun bout Charles Drew tho. “ -DON RAHIM
Charles Richard Drew was an American surgeon and medical researcher. He researched in the field of blood transfusions, developing improved techniques for blood storage, and applied his expert knowledge to developing large-scale blood banks early in World War II; In 1981, the United States Postal Service issued a 35¢ postage stamp in its Great Americans series to honor Drew.
AMER'ICAN; noun A native of America; originally applied to the aboriginals, or copper-colored races, found here by the Europeans; but now applied to the descendants of Europeans born in America.
The name American must always exalt the pride of patriotism. - Washington; 1828 Webster Dictionary
In loving memory of Daryl Rice Jr., a Tre Fo a General by way de Nordside. May you always be remembered.
#norfside #Monarcas #RiceDa1
We also the live of Mother Abbott. Our 25th street shero!
1828 Websters Dictionary
Tursi, Frank, Winston-Salem, A History, January 1, 1994.
Rogers, Joel A, Africas Gift to America, The Afro-American in the Making and Saving of the United States, 1959.
Rogers, Joel A, 100 Amazing Facts About The Negro With Complete Proof, Fact No. 47 pg 17.
Hill, Napoleon, Think and Grow Rich The Original Unedited, 1937.
Hill, Napoleon, Outwitting The Devil, Original Manuscript ,1938.
"Patent For Preserving Blood Issued November 10, 1942; Washingtonian's invention made blood bank possible" (Press release). Brigid Quinn, United States Patent and Trademark Office. November 9, 2001. Archived from the original on February 11, 2009. Retrieved February 3, 2009.
Slade, Darrell Q. The Alarm Clock The Essence of Moving in Silence, 2017.
Jones, Endyia Silver Hill an Ancient Community in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. 2021.
September 6, 1856: The Beginning of Brightleaf Tobacco in NC
Crockett, Cheryle J,My Slade Phenomenon, 2008.
BadAzz, Boosie, Devils, 2010.
JAY Z , D’EVILS, Reasonable Doubt 1996.
Akil, From Niggas 2 God. 1998 of November. cover art is referenced from that cover .
Houston, Drusilla Dunjee, Wonderful Ethiopians of the Ancient Cushite Empire, Books I & II
Angelou, Maya, Human Family
MacRitchie, David, Ancient and Modern Brits
Center for Urban Affairs, Paths Toward Freedom A Biographical History of Blacks and Indians in North Carolina by Blacks and Indians, 1976 @ Raleigh.